8: A deadly choice

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I hear his footsteps coming closer, I just stood there trying to find out what I am going to do. I stared at the two kids again and I saw fear running through their eyes, I clenched my fist around the cell and closed my eyes

'Think fast Roux!' Kiera said in panic
'Don't rush me!' I snapped back
'I have to! If not we're dead meat!' She hissed back

Suddenly a loud and high pitched scream appeared, I hear the rogue mumble something to himself and hear his footsteps disappearing. I feel two small hands grabbing my arm, I look down and the two kids are clinging to me. I kneeled down and looked at them directly at their eyes

"Listen, I want you two to shift okey? And I want you to follow me, don't do anything dumb or try to be a hero. Just follow me" I told them, they nodded. They shifted, the girl with beautiful emerald coloured eyes and pure white fur and the boy, white fur with ashy tones and blood red eyes, wait green eyes, is she a Luna? And red eyes, is he an alpha?

"Are you a Luna at this young? And you an alpha at this young?" I asked them both confused

'We are not that young, I'm fifteen and my sister is fourteen' The boy mind linked me

"Still, you shouldn't be feeling the mate bond until you're sixteen at least. And you should not be an alpha before you turn nineteen" I scratched my head in confusion, I sighed

"Okey, do not panic when I shift now, because I'm not an ordinary Shifter" they nodded, I focused and shifted. I hear little wolves gasped, I glance at them and nodded my head towards the exit. We silently crawled out masking our scent

"That hybrid, can't you just shut up?" I hear another piercing scream that made the basement rumble, I held over my ears trying to keep the sound low. I breathed out in relief when it stopped.

"Shut up bitch!" The rogue yelled at the poor thing

'Keep going' I mind linked the kids, they hunched their backs and started to walk up the stairway. I opened the door with my snout, we silently walked out from the basement room. I sniffed the air making sure no rogue is near, when the coast is clear I signed to the kids it was safe to go. They followed close to me I can almost feel their breath in my neck, I got shivers down my spine so sudden.

'Please can you be in control again? My ' I asked Kiera
'Why?' She asked replied
'I am not good in situations like this' I hear her sight and the next thing I know I were pushed back


I took control over my body again, I inhaled and shook my body. I look behind me and the two children were literally almost attached to my fur, kids. I continued walking and I see the exit door, but two rogues are guarding it.

'What are we going to do know?' The little boy mind linked

'I am going to distract them, and when the coast is clear. You run the hell out of this place' I looked back at them, they nodded with their fury little heads

'You mom and dad are waiting outside behind some bushes, run to them' I told them, I see their body tense up and they glanced at each other

'We don't want to' they said

'Just do it until I come back, my pack is with them too. They'll protect you' I tried to calm them down, they seemed a little bit calmer after I said my pack are also here. I wonder why they don't want to see their parents, I shrugged the odd feeling away. I looked back at them and nodded, I crawled my way towards something that looked like a large vase and hid behind it. I gazed around the room I were in and trying to figure out how I am supposed to distract them and get out alive, I can only see the back door which is open. The rest is locked, a big window in the kitchen is open though but that means I have to run there like lighting if I want to get out alive. I inhaled strongly. Do I have any choice? I looked around, nope.

'Get ready' I mind linked the kids, I lowered my body and lunges at a wolf tail. I landed on it hard and bit it holding on for dear life, it howled loudly catching others wolves attentions

'RUN!' I mind linked them, I see in the corner of my eyes that they quickly sprung out the back door. I sighed in relief and tried to hold on to the wolf's tail while the wolf is jumping around like crazy

'Block you shifting scent' Roux said to me, I did as she said and blocked it.

"What's going on?!" A loud voice yelled

"I don't know alpha! This crazy fox just jumped on his tail and bit it! And now it won't let go!" Another one shouted

"Get her off! We can use her fur for something great" he growled, they all nodded and tried to grab after my bushy tail. I slowly growled. There's to many wolves, if I jump know they might catch me but if I don't jump they will catch me anyways, my jaw is tired. Maybe I should just wait a little longer, just a minute longer? I gazed around, no I can't to many wolves, I might die. There's too many endings and they all ends the same, I die. I can't run and I can't hide they will sniff me out, the only way is to fight. But there's to many of them. And I can't mind link my pack, they're too far away. I feel a pair of teeth touching my skin, I have to do something now!

I swung my body back and forth many times, when the swing was high enough I jumped backwards doing a spin landing on the dinner table. The whole pack ran towards me, the window is two meters away. I took some steps back and ran as fast as I could towards the en of the table, I jumped on my back legs and stretched my body as long as I could to reach the open window. My front paws landed on the window so I used some strength to pull my whole body forward, I jumped out of the window in time and ran the opposite way of my pack. I jumped on a branch and hid there.

After a minute of waiting and I could no longer see anymore wolf running or searching after me I jumped down and walked to my pack, when I approached them they all looked relieved. I made a sign it was time to get away from there and they all followed to a lake some meters away from the rogues house.

"Kiera!" My mom yelled and ran towards me knocking the air out of me

"Th-thanks" I spoke with small breaths

"Honey, you're suffocating her" I hear dad say, she loosened the hug and gave me a smile. Dylan rushed to my side kissing my cheek and hugged me

"Where's the kids?" I asked while searching for them

"Behind us" Cora and Derek answered, they peeked through their backs and smiled when they saw me

"You made it" the little girl smiled, I nodded. I shot a quick glare at their two parents, they stared down at the ground

"Now, tell me why are your kids afraid of you?" I raised my right eyebrow, they glanced at each other obviously with fear in their eyes

"We, well, we uh" Jack stuttered

"Yeeeah? I dragged the word to become longer, they took a deep breath I can hear the breaths having short cuts in between them.

"Answer me" I almost shouted, I growled at the making them flinch.

"Sorry" Aurora whispered with a stifled throat

"For?" Mom asked curiously

"For what we have done to our kids" She bursted out crying and fell on the floor with her knees, Jack kneeled down beside her hugging her

"What did you do?" I asked them worriedly, they stared up with me with teary eyes and regret

"Something bad" Jack answered, his voice cracked and he also broke down.


I am back! Sorry if it took a little bit long to update this chapter!

But I hope you like it and you think this is interesting!

And omg... 1k readers? Never in a million years did I expect one of my books to have so many readers! Thank you so much for taking your time and checking this book out!

Have a lovely day my readers! Again thank you!

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