Chapter One: The First Hurricane

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Once there was a little group in a dessert walk. There was a big hurricane coming. They had to hide somewhere and survive the hurricane. It would be way two hard because of the winds. They though that they could hold onto a cactus for 67 days. Then they saw a bush. But the bush wouldn't work because how would they know which way the hurricane is going? It was going to be very harsh. The day after tomorrow would be when the hurricane would come. They had to pack EVERYTHING they had. Their coats, their phone and a lot of other stuff.
The hurricane was coming in two hours, when it was nighttime. There was a very big countdown for the people in Mississippi. They counted, "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, run!" There was only one person who added the chant: "run." The hurricane started. They didn't  know what to hold onto. There was only one bush. 8 people could not hide behind there. They couldn't hold onto a cactus because they would die by the prickles and blood would be all over the place.

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