chapter 2

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It had been a month since my grandfather had passed and I guess you could say everything went downhill from there. Communication lacks in the family now and when we do its merely a conversation.

My grandfather was like the rock of the family, he'd always lived with us as my grandmother had passed away shortly after my mothers birth. He'd always been a tough man and always fought for what he thought was right. There was not a single bad bone in him, and he'd always crack a joke so cranky that no one got it but because I was from him everyone always burst in fits of laughter at his attempts.

I'd never heard much of his past apart from he used to own a joke shop in his early days which had been passed down from generations until the town decided to expand and knock down all the high street shops and make a big shopping center. He said how he had a dark past but once he died he'd be at peace. At least his with gran now. Happy and content.

His last words made no sense though.

'He will come out of the Shadows', what does that even mean?!
And I didn't have much time to work it out as his life was fading as he said it. I tried to do research but nothing came up, just history on Ouija boards and spoof videos of peoples shadows. But nothing legit.


"Annieeee are you thereeeeeeee?" I heard a voice call.

I snap back to reality. Looking around to see I was still witting at the lunch table.

"uh, I-what? I mean yeah" I said startled. I always do this, getting lost in my trail of thoughts.

"I thought you was asleep but your eyes were open and I freaked out so I called you like 10 times but you didn't answer, you know, I thought you died or something!" My best friend lily exaggerated.

She was a weird one that I decided to adopt into my life when she moved here 4 years ago, neither of us had friends, as I was not a people person, which I'm still not but when it comes to Lily I can make an exception. And she obviously just moved so she didn't know anyone. I thought some company would be cool. Ever since then we've got on like two peas in a pod! Cute right.

I looked at her with both my eyebrows raised laughing. "Really Lily"

"I'm sorry, I just get worried, like what if you actually died or you got possessed and I didn't know, it could happen one day and-" She tried to go on as I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Lily the chances of that are barely possible, you're just overreacting" I said as I uncovered her mouth.

"Okk, but still" she huffed.

Lily was still quite child like when it came to the smallest of situations, even for a 17 year old. But that's what made her unique, she wasn't like others and she would never judge you, and  although she lacked maturity on some levels she was a smart ass girl, I praise her for that.

"So whatcha doing tonight?" I asked.

"Oh-uh, I'm going to see Harry" She blushed.

Ugh, boys, ew. Not that I'm a feminist or anything but I just don't see the point in conversing with them, they're a massive distraction.

"But Lily, you're my lift" I groaned, banging my head against the table.

"One days walk won't hurt, quit moaning you assbutt" She laughed poking my cheeks.


Just why.

"I do know how I put up with you" I said sighing humorously.

"Because I'm your favorite person in the world and you wouldn't have anyone without me" she said, quite straight forwardly as the bell went, signaling that it was time for the next period.

"Meh, truth hurts" I laughed getting up ready to go to my last lesson.

"OK buh-bye, see you tomorrow!" Lily said, hugging me.

I slowly backed away laughing "OK byeeeeee"

We didn't have many lessons together so it was just me, myself and I most of the time, but that doesn't bother !e at all, as I said, I'm not a people person.


Last lesson flew by and before I knew it I was on my big treck home, thanks to Harry.

Me and Lily did everything together until that kid came along, I dot even know what she sees in him. He's not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. But then again I'll be the first to kick his butt if he does even the slightest thing to make her sad. And I look toward to that day, lots.

I hate walking, it's so much effort to get to one place to another. I'm going to sue whoever invented it. Which will be pretty hard but it should be banned.

And this weather, its so dark and gloomy. Ugh.

I must've kicked a stone into a bin as it made a loud clanking noise as It clashed with the metal, making me jump out of my skin. You see, that's what happens when you get lost in your trail of thoughts, you scare the hell out of yourself without meaning to.

Oh well, It's a habit.

I started walking past the playground, sadly no one was there, it's nice to see families spending time together there, and couples eating cute picnics, it creates a wonderful atmosphere. But right now is so lonely and deserted, and I'm sure if it had feelings it would be quite depressed.

Why do I even think of that-

A noise in the distance brought me back to reality, it sounded like thunder, I think.

The weather obviously being on my side decided to show that I was correct by beaming out a large flash in the sky making me squeal.

Yup, this totally sets the scene.

I quickly put my hood up and started running towards the end of the road where my house was, it felt kinda good seeing everything whizzing past me and the wind blowing in my face.

I came to a halt when I realised my shoe was slowly slipping off as my lace came undone, would've been fine if I wasn't in torrential weather.

I quickly set all my stuff down and started doing it up. And just to my luck rain started to come down at a fast and furiously like it had it in for me.

I started to get back up only to be feel like I was being watched, I looked around for a couple of seconds only to be welcomed with an empty pathway. Hm strange.

I quickly started to run home and as I neared my front door I could've sworn I saw a pair of black eyes looking from the reflection of the door, meaning they were behind me.

But nothing was there.

As I finally got in, I got welcomed by the warmth of the home but I was too wet and cold to feel it properly.

Damn you Lily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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