How To Become A Wattpad Sensation Overnight!

Start from the beginning

The fourth kind are the types who literally work their butts off to deliver you amazing stories.You'll constantly find them researching, asking around for help to improve their style, debating every move they make.They welcome criticism and know how to take it.They enjoy stimulating conversations and interaction with readers.They don't forget the first rule of writing either.Which is,to always be true to yourself.

Your readers' feedback matters but so does your own satisfaction.You write to satisfy your own thirst first and your readers' second.Take criticism with an open mind,accept what you consider as advice and reject which you don't find feasible.But please don't go biting people's heads just because their comments were not to your liking.Hate comments,though not encouraged or appreciated,should always be taken with the air of a superstar.They hate you,sure,but at least they remember you.Wave them off like you would an annoying housefly.

Just to recap the above mentioned points:

1.Don't annoy people in a bid to become the hottest writer.

2.Work hard!

3.Ask your favorite/popular authors on here for help.This doesn't mean to harass them,be courteous and ask if they're willing to help first.This doesn't necessarily mean having them read your story.Ask the basic questions which you're having trouble with.I repeat: DO NOT HARASS THEM INTO READING YOUR STORIES! Be open to suggestions,criticisms and advice.

4.Be true to yourself as a writer.

Moving on to "getting the readers" part.

Let me first assure you,getting readers isn't rocket science and what I'm about to tell you isn't some newly concocted magic spell,it is actually something which most of you already know but always overlook or ignore.Stop doing that.It actually works so if you're seriously that desperate for a readership then please abide by these tips.

1.Google.Whatever you're writing about,chances are that someone is an expert on them and may have even shared some information regarding it.DO NOT PLAGIARISE.Read for your knowledge only. Likewise,you may also google writing tips.I do it whenever I'm online.Bookmark the pages which speak to you as a writer.There are more than a million sites which are imparting really helpful tips,advices, exercises and information to help you become a better writer so do check them out.

2.Beta readers/Editors: The superheroes of the writing world.They make the most stinking pieces into literary gems.Befriend them.Worship them.Idolise them.They'll edit your works,help you improve your writing and get you the fan base you desire.However,be respectful of their need for breaks.It takes a lot of hardwork and time to fine tune written works so if they ask you for a break or tell you it will take some time for them to get around to it then do give it to them.They do have a life.

3.Originality: Everyone has it,right? No.Whatever you think about,chances are there are at least hundreds in this entire world who think the same way.Like everything else in the world,you have to work for it.Originality should be visible in your story concept,your writing style and your execution of ideas. Plagiarism is not something which should ever be entertained.No matter how remote you think the chances of people finding out about your plagiarist acts are,someone will find out and your credibility as an author will be forever ruined and frowned upon.

4.Always strive for betterment: No age is too old to learn,likewise there is no end to room for improvement, what ever you do can always be done better.Writing is something which can definitely be improved over and over again.It brings finesse.However,overdoing it is not advised.

5.Write for yourself: If you're ever stuck in finding something to write then always ask yourself this question: What do I want to read? Because you'll always be the first reader and as an author your first compulsion will be to cater to your reader's (in this case yourself) demand.This will not only make your writing come across as enjoyable but  the whole process will be enjoyable for you as an author to write about your area of interest.

6.Read the best: It is the mantra of wattpadders to read,read and read.No matter the genre of your writing,always look towards the best in the business and find out how they do it by reading their works. Thanks to Wattpad you can not only read the best here but also interact with them and find out directly from them about what inspires them and who they idolize.This way not only will you evolve as an author but also you will be able to pick up tricks of the trade and bring variety and ingenuity to your writing.

7.Be content: 0-10 fans? No comments? No votes? Be content.Easier said than done,I know but if you're enjoying writing then what does it matter? Writing here on Wattpad is supposed to be fun.No one will overlook your profile because of your lack of fan base.If your writing is appealing some one will definitely take an interest and before you know it,you will have quite a bunch of fans.Just because it is taking what seems like forever doesn't mean you'll never get any.Reading people's stories,leaving feedback is a good thing,but asking them to return the favor is like forcing yourself on them.Don't do it.Do read other works,leave nice,worthwhile comments and appreciate talent when you see it.If someone fans you or returns the favor without you requesting them then be gracious about it.Thank the person and move on.

Contrary to the common belief,your life will not end if you don't get fans within the next 7 days after you created an account.Good things take time.Relax and have fun reading and discovering new stories here till you get your desired fan base.I don't know about most of the people but it took me nearly 4 years to have 200 fans and it still amazes me that they fanned me because most of them are far better writers than I will ever be but people are nice like that.So have a little faith and be grateful for every fan you've got for the time being :)

A message for people who frequently wonder whether they should give up on writing/finishing their stories because of lack of readership:

"If you're enjoying what you're writing, then you shouldn't give up on it. Writing something shouldn't be about how many other people like it, but if you're enjoying what you are creating. It's art, basically.

Eventually, people will begin to migrate around and read your stuff." --@Pixellated

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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