How To Become A Wattpad Sensation Overnight!

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You can't.

I do have tips for getting readers which I'm going to include here but if you're looking for magical spells to get 1000 followers worshipping you overnight then this isn't what you want.

Sorry to burst your bubble but seriously,there is no such thing as overnight fame unless you did something outrageous as fight with a monkey or uploaded videos of a talking dog.Either of which is inadvisable for wattpadders.Trust me.

I've come across hundreds, scratch that, thousands of wattpadders who are spamming walls,posting on forums,desperately begging people to read their stories and despite the constant patience being displayed by Wattpad ninjas in telling them politely it is AGAINST THE RULES to promote your story in any club forum apart from the Share your Story club and asking you nicely to please stop requesting R for R and votes,people are still doing it.This is a fine example fo how things are not done overnight.

Popularity has to be earned.It is not something you get by begging or by harassing/spamming people's walls.Even Hollywood actors get rich and famous only because of their hard work and talent.Nobody likes an arsekisser, pardon my French, if people did then every has-been or wash-out/highschool drop out would be gracing your cinema screens on a daily basis.How monotonous would that be,I ask you?

Message for people who want a huge fan base just because they, and I quote,"Want to know what it's like to have a 1000 fans" :

Ask the people with a 1000 fans.Ask them how much work they put in their stories.Ask them how many hours they spend editing,proofreading,correcting grammar and spelling mistakes,doing research and thinking up their plots.Ask them how much thought,planning,skill and time they put in to make their stories the Hottest thing on wattpad.Go ahead,ask them.Because the 1000 fans you see on their profile are the fruits of their labor which they perform in order to maintain that standard and quality of writing which deserves 1000 fans.They don't just type in the first thing that comes in their head and publish it without proofreading.Granted there are certain authors here who're exceptionally talented and no doubt do just that,but even they put in some work.I think,lol.I don't know,ask TheOrangutan,he'll know.

Bottom line : There is no such thing as success without hard work.

I understand your desire, your desperation for popularity but please,don't sell yourselves short.You can achieve all this without showing desperation.It is possible to get a huge fan base but it's insulting to expect your readers to put up with utter crap.Give them some credit.They choose authors because they want to read the best,so be the best.

There are 4 kinds of wattpadders here.There are the kind who write just for the fun of it,they are not desperate for fan base,they don't (usually) edit their works or give it format but they type it all just for the sake of having their stories typed out and publish it.I have nothing against these authors.Most of them have every bit of potential to be the best but they don't want to bother spending time with the fine tuning,so be it.It's their choice.Coincidently,they usually have the most interesting and genuine storylines too.

Then there are the kind who are naturally gifted.Everything they write,whether it be a story,a message, an advice or just plain old conversations with wattpadders, their brilliance and intellect shines through. I'm awed by them.They are humble,yet fully aware of their skills and do their best to help out those who ask for their help.These, ladies and gentlemen, are the gems of Wattpad.If you know Wattpadders of this type then never take them for granted.You can learn so much from them.

There are also the kind who put in absolutely no work, who copy storylines of successful authors or go with the first idea that comes in their mind and publish some hastily typed works and still expect readers to praise it.While I don't find them annoying per se, I do find it highly amusing how they have such high expectations from their poorly executed works.Don't get me wrong, these people have the skill and knowledge to create outstanding works but the problem with them is that they don't want to put in the time and work and yet they want a fan base of thousands.I have no words for them except that I admire their high belief in their daydreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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