He's my mate?!

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“Ok, so I guess I’ll just explain from the very start, since you have no memory of what happened ten years ago. It all happened when we were five. We were the bestest of friends, I still remember that day, after preschool, when we were out back playing with sticks. I told you that I liked you, that I wanted to marry you. But we were only kids, but then something special happened, I gave you something. Something you probably still have. I gave you a necklace. When I gave it to you, I knew that I was moving away. I told you to stay here, that when I come back, you’ll know. But I guess that never happened.”


What.the.heck. A random stranger I didn’t know is here telling me that we were childhood friends sworn to get married? Hah, like I’d believe that crap. I just went with it.


“You see, the reason why I left was because, well, I’m a werewolf.” My eyes grew wider and my body tensed up. Werewolf?! Do they even exist? No. They don’t. He’s messing with me.


“We were meant to be mates Ly~” The word mate echoed through my head, over and over again. I blurted out in shock,


“M-M-Mates?! What is that supposed to mean? I think you should leave, the childhood part got me stumped but now this? I can’t take this anymore.” I clenched my fists and for some reason I was getting angrier. He looked so serious though. That’s what makes me even more confused.

“I'm sorry Ly! I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway, I promise! Here, you don’t believe me? Then show me the necklace you have.”


What necklace? Wait, I do have one that I kept in a box….where is that thing?


“I-I think it’s in a box somewhere, the only special necklace I can think of is the one I kept hidden from everyone.” Wait. What am I doing? Why am I going along with this? For all I know, he could be some total stranger, or like he said, mates. Ugh. He stood up quickly,


“That’s probably it. I guarantee its that one. But you still can’t remember what happened 10 years ago? What happened when I kissed your cheek? The necklace I gave you, the promises we made. anything?” I leaned back into my chair trying to think. I had a pretty messed up childhood, and try not to go down memory lane as much as possible.


“I-I only have blurry images of my childhood, let’s just say I didn’t had the best childhood when I was little. The memories are only images. But I do remember the necklace.” I stood up quickly and looked up at him,


“If you are this supposed “mate” of mine, you probably know basic facts about me.”  I wasn’t 100 percent sure if I should trust him or not. I mean, I kinda want to, but part of me is saying to test him.


He smiled, “Of course I know everything about you, you’re favorite colors are dark blue, like the color of the ocean and green, like the forests that surrounded us when we young. You’re favorite animals are dogs and wolves, you’re favorite foods are pasta and steak. You're currently 17. Oh, and you absolutely love the warm vanilla scent, you smell like that. I know you’re past Ly, I know who you really are.” Ok, woah. This is creepy, he knows me way too well. Hmm, I’ll give him that.


“So do you believe me now? Did I convince you that I am your mate?” Hmm, no, not yet, one more question. If we did indeed did the whole “I’m your mate” thing back in preschool, he would probably know my condition.


“Do you know what kind of condition I have?” My heart started beating faster, If he knew this, they I would believe him.


“You’re condition? You mean your asthma?” Well, I do have that, but that’s not the answer I’m looking for.


“No, my other condition, my much more serious one.”


“Ah, almost forgot…” I swallowed hard. This was it.


“Your nightmares.” I fell back into my chair with my head in my hands. It is him...my mate.

He knows me. I may not remember it right now, but I “know” him. Back to the more serious points,

“Y-you're a werewolf?” I almost forgot about this important fact. I was facing a half man, half beast. And it was in my room, not even a feet away from me. What am I going to do? Wait, was I actually believing this nonsense?

Werewolves?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang