Alan and Angie

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Angie's POV

     Well this has been one hell of a semester. I have fallen for the bad player of the school district and have lost a friend. I never knew this would happen, ever. Luis has been my rock. He has been there through thick and thin. Whenever something bad happens, he is there. Now that certain person is gone. I can always talk to Alan, but it isn't the same. Luis and I have bond that can't be broken, but it was broken. Our friendship fell into pure and udder nothing. I threw it all away just so I could be with someone who probably will hurt me. I know I should trust myself enough to be with Alan, but there is something inside telling me not to. Its my inner Luis telling that this was all a mistake. For the most part, I know that I belong with Alan. Thats a stronger feeling.

     Its been quite some time actually. Its winter break right now. Christmas Eve for that matter. I got Alan cologne and a beanie. He likes beanies. I remembered I planned on getting Luis a bong for Christmas, as well as some new earphones. I bought the bong before anything ever happened. Now I have a bong and have nothing to do with it. I know I'm the talk of the school for the rest of my days there but I don't give a shit what people say. All this shit has happened in a matter of months. it feels like years.

     " Angie, is Alan coming over for Christmas? I think its time your dad knows." My mom asks me. 

     Did I forget to mention that my dad knows nothing about this. Ever since he moved out last month he hasn't known about Alan. He doesn't even know that he exists. And did I also forget to mention that my parents are going through a divorce. They have been wanting to do this for months but didn't have the balls to tell us. Now he is moved out and has his own apartment across the city. My brother Santos and my sister Ana went with him. It was terrible, my mom cried and so did everyone else. But they have shared custody of all of us so its okay. I suppose things aren't okay actually. 

     Shit is all falling apart. Alan knows nothing about what going on in my personal life also. He doesn't know about my parents divorce nor about how I might not be able to continue in school. I can't handle the pressure I'm under right now. His life is so much easier than mine. He has only one parent. He has no siblings. And he is in the honor roll. And my life sucks right now. I know people have it much worse but personally, my life sucks and some people don't even know it.

    " I don't think so mom. He might be spending time with his mom." I tell her and I go back to my phone. Its weird now, I feel more alone. Since my sister isn't sharing my room anymore I'm more lonely. I open my messages and text Alan.

Angie: Hey

Alan: Hey baby, what are you doing?

Angie: Watching my brother. My mom is about to leave for the laundromat. 

Alan: I  was gonna come over to give you your present...

Angie: I told you I didn't wanna do gifts.

Alan: I know, but I wanted to anyway

Angie: Alan...

Alan: Get over it, I'm walking down the hall now.

     I get up and retie my hair and walk out to greet him. He doesn't look like he brought anything. I smile and give him a quick kiss. Everyone says hello before we go back into my room. I hope he knows the only thing he is getting for Christmas is a card. I almost laugh to myself at that ridiculous gift.

     " Here." He pulls out an envelope and hands it to me. I guess he thought of the same thing. when I open the envelope it is a two pages filled with words front to back.

     " What is this?" I asked him and look at it. Its titled "Christmas".

     " I wrote down everything I did before I met you. Every last thing, the bets, the lies, the cheating, everything. I wanted you to know everything I did before I met you and how I felt when I did meet you." He explains to me. He must have done a shitload of stuff

.March 2015: I met a guy named Travis. He was a cool guy, never gave a fuck what people thought of him. Some were even scared of him. I heard all sorts of rumors about him. That he would hurt or threaten anyone who crossed him. I didn't believe anything anyone said until I knew him for real. The night I met him I was completely sober. I didn't want to be high or drunk meeting this guy. He looked about 25-30, not very old. I was surprised at how young he looked. I knew he was the type of guy to make certain deals in the neighborhood. But the deal he made me was actually weird and unusual. He gave me girls identities. The girls he has been 'wanting', I didn't know what that meant what so ever. I was supposed to break them down, force them to eventually go to him. I was pretty much paid to force girls into prostitution. Later on I was tired of doing this to innocent girls. I renegotiated with Travis. The new terms were getting paid to sleep with virgins and make them feel like shit after. I was supposed to have sex with virgin girls. I didn't want to do it but I needed the money.

January 2016: I was doing the same routine every few weeks with girls. I would treat them like queens, get them into bed, then treat them like shit. But then Travis asked for more evidence with the girls. I recored a few videos and completely embarrassed them. At the time I didn't care, it was money, who wouldn't do this. The I met Clarissa, she was supposed to be another girl on the 'fuck and dump' list. That literally what I called it. We were 'dating' for about a month before  we started doing sexual things. But then Travis told me to do other things to her, sexual wise. I was supposed to do this stuff all before fucking her. But when I planned on fucking her she told me she loved me. No other girl has done that, ever. The words freaked me out and I left her. She was ready for it but I told her I had to go. I told my partner, Ric, that I couldn't do it anymore. He also did the same things as me, except less brutal. So what we did was run. We split up. He went somewhere and I moved counties. 

This year, 2017: I was trying to be a normal teenager again. But that didn't stop me from fucking girls left and right. It was the same but I didn't get paid, it was a distraction. A distraction from what I always wanted in life, love. I never committed to any girl I messed with. They were all after me. I suppose you know my player status. This was the time close to when I met you. They transferred my classes because I was messing with two girls in that room so I was moved to your class. When I met you I didn't plan on falling in love with you. I thought we would be good friends or I could have fucked you. The more I got to know you the more I fell in love with you. I needed to be with you. I wanted to be near you. I world was revolved around you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I didn't care what anyone thought about you. I love you Angelica and the things that happened are all in the past. I will never hurt you the way I did those girls. I regret ever getting involved with those girls. I regret ever meeting Travis or anyone in that field. But I will not regret getting you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wanted to explain all of this to you and hope you will open up with me about your past as well. Merry Christmas Angelica, I love you.

     I set the papers down on my lap and see Alan across the bed looking at me, waiting. I knew he used girls for money but there is so much more I didn't know. Alan isn't the guy I thought he was. He is a terrible person who has done terrible things. I don't know what to think. I never know what to think with this boy.

    " Please say something. Please tell me I haven't lost you." He says. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

     " Can I ask you something and can you give me any honest answer? No more lies." I say to him.

     " Yes, of coarse." He assures.

     " What happened to Clarissa? Did you ever see what ever happened with her?" I asked him. He looks down and intertwines his fingers.

     " She killed herself. She found out what I was doing and what happened spread through her entire town." He says softly. I look down at the paper one last time.

     " To answer what you want to know. Its a yes. You have lost me."

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