The Secret Den

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The secret Den was the only place where me and Diane could escape from the world and be ourselves! Ann I mean The ONLY place!

When me and Diane got there she obvioussly had so many secrets and gossip to spill! (it's kind of a best friend thing!)

"So......" she said "Okay, here's the deal. You know that new guy Evan, you know the cute guy with the  geeky glasses! Well he totally has a crush on you! (which makes me blush as I go out with Eric!) And also since you wern't invited to Taylor's party and decided that I won't go either!"

"Really! Are you sure?" I ask her feeling a bit guilty.

"Yep! And..... my mum is  letting me have a sleepover!!"

We both begin to jump up and down excitedly, just as we hear a loud roar come from outside the door. I slowly begin to open it when.....

"Are you crazy?!" asks Diane looking gobsmacked.

"Yes! I have to know what is behind the door!"

I open the door and me and Diane gasp in harmony. We are staring into the eyes of a Dragon!!!!



Hey  guys! Yeah I know it took a while to update! My sister had  a broken ankle and my other sister had a School Dance coming up so...... you know! But don't worry I will update twice as fast next time I promise! I dediated this chapter to @Gabbielovesspoons for she has been very kind to me over the past few weeks! If anyone has any ideas please let me know! All comments are welcome below!

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Blogger-Girl325 xxxx

The secret life of Mrs.JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now