He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak. Hopefully to tell me what the he was doing in my house. "Uhhh...Ummm..." wow, I guess not. "Im-" but he was cut off by my lovely mother -note the sarcasm- coming from the kitchen, holding two glasses of something, probly sweet tea, thats all we ever drink here. She looked so shocked to see me. Like don't even live here. If anyone of us lived here more it would be me, she's gone at work or something god only knows all the time.

If you couldn't tell it's just me and my mom. Dad left us when he got a new secretary, figures. So, me and mom picked up and moved from Massachsetts to California. Talk about drastic change! I was only 6 at the time, so it wasn't that bad, the move that is. The lack of a father figure, or my dad for that matter sucked! But what can you do.

An awkward silence fell. Great. Im still standing with the door wide open. I slowly and calmly, or well I tried to do it calmly stepped inside my house set my book bag down and lightly closed the door. Oh who am I kidding I was still fuming, I slammed my bag down and then 'gently' slammed the door. Still no one spoke, okay this was getting annoying. I guess I was going to have to start this. What am I suppose to say? I rarely see my mom besides when, a.) she leaves work to pick me up from the bus stop and then drops me off at the house to leave to go back to work, a whomping 3 minutes there. What does she do at work all the time anyways? b.) when she walks into my room and wakes me up at midnight to make sure Im okay, cause she has just gotten home from work, or c.) when she wakes me up in the morning for school, and thats usually just, "Keely! Wake up and get ready for school. Im leaving for work.". Well I guess its good she has time for some dude but not her daughter. Nice mom, real nice. So im really mad and I don't really want one of the only moments I see her to be me yelling at her, cause I know if I go to say something I will yell.

"Uh, Hi honey? Did you just get home from school?" Thank god she spoke first. She really just said Hi as a question and then asked an obvious question. Really mom? Well Im not going to be childish and yell. Im not a child, Im almost an adult. But gawd, Im a teenager so I will be highly sarcastic. Besides thats way more fun then yelling, I wonder if I can get her as mad as me infront of her boy toy. This will be the most fun I have had all day.

"Hello Jennifer. No, why on Earth would I be at school on a Thursday afternoon?" ha. She hates when I call her Jennifer instead of mom, she really hate mother too. hmm. I said I don't like fighting with her but we do occationally get into arguments, so I do know what pushes her buttons.

"Excuse me young lady, your sarcasm isn't needed right now." she said, trying not to show any sign that I had pushed one of those buttons.

"Of course it isn't "needed", it never is. And Im not young, Im a mature adult" I said with a small smile on my face, I even made air quotes as I said needed. Ah, I wonder how long she'll keep this going with, her boy toy sitting right there. He was just sitting there saring back and forth, like he was watching a play being performed right infront of him.

Well it didnt last as long I was hopeing since her next words were, "We will talk about your new found attitude later. I want you to meet someone." Im guessing I was about to meet the hot guy. Well obviously it was him since he's the only person here I didn't know. Im not sure if she expected me to say anything. I didn't and after a couple seconds of silence, I think she realized this and started the introductions. "Keely this is David. David this is my daughter Keely."

He stood up and walked around the couch and stuck his hand out to me, with a big smile. I stared at his hand for a second debating wether I wanted to keep up my 'attitude' or not. But I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at my mother and with him smiling at me like that I probly would have killed someone if he asked with that smile. No wonder my mother forgot about me. There was still something so familar about him, the whole thing is becoming super strange.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2010 ⏰

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