"He's not a double agent, none of the documents said he was," Ms. Kate pushed her blonde hair behind her, "and he has killed or injured other agents."

"We don't have evidence on that-" Jason stopped. Ms. Kate leaned forwards and looked straight into his eyes, it was as if she could tell what he was thinking. Jason stared at her green eyes. The aqua colour faded, faded into a darker colour and then he realised that he was staring into Luke's eyes. He saw the way he slanted a grin, challenged him as Jason nailed him to the wall. 

"What are they doing? With Stanley and with Jess..."

"How should I know?" Luke's purple eyes faded as he let out a wicked laugh.

Jason felt his jaw click, "You know! you know..."

"Ms. Kate." Jason interrupted, "I get your point. He's dangerous." 

Finally, he felt those forces withdrew from his chest, his head, giving him a vague headache before it quickly subsided. 

"We have a problem, Jason." Ms. Kate slumped back, crossing her legs and her arms, "there is no time."

Jason raised a brow. Ms. Kate was in the committee of Gataria and if she said there was a problem, there was a problem.

"Gataria?" — Jayden always gets firsthand news for him.

"Yes. We have been discovered."

Jason inhaled, "but that happened a long time ago-"

"Yes, but now the human government has passed the order to arrest us if they are spotted immediately."

Jason wanted to laugh. They were the elementals, the magical, wondrous "creatures" that human saw as powerful and dangerous. Yet, they wanted to contain them. They cannot stop the people of the other side of the gates - of Gataria. 

"I know what you are thinking." Ms. Kate interupted his thoughts, "but it's not that simple. Everyone has their weaknesses."

Jason's ghost of a smile disappeared completely. He replaced it with all seriousness - perhaps the humans were getting out of their hands.

"Ryders are now at stake." Ms. Kate dropped the bomb. Gataria's cover was about to get blown, exposed to the wild and cold; unprotected like a new born child.

"Sooner or later, with the amount of man-power they are putting in, there will be Ryders captured and Gataria's location will eventually be known..." Ms Kate shook her head, her voice becoming smaller as if fear was also strangling her, "what will become of our families and friends? What will become of us?"

Jason leaned back as if he was shot. "You're saying..."

"This may mean war, Jason." Ms Kate confirmed the disaster and Jason had nothing else to say.

Their conversation ended with another 'explosion' and Jason walked away from it, back out into the sun, into a cool breeze that felt rather chilly in the shadows, into a world where he had to smile and pretend everything was fine. Ms. Kate saw him out and as she did, she leaned on the doorframe and watched his figure decending from the small steps towards the door. 

"How's Eira?"

Jason's body turned rigid. The name brought back so much memories it bombarded him all at once. He inhaled quietly and turned around to look at Ms. Kate, staring down at him with concerned eyes. 

"She's recovering."

Ms. Kate softened her gaze, "She will be getting better with each and every day, thanks to you."

Jason forced a set smile, one he knew wouldn't pass her eyes, and nodded. He asked for his dismissal and Ms. Kate nodded. Jason was glad that she didn't ask further about her; he didn't know where to start. At that thought, he directed the centre to her.

"Why is the Gataria government investigating you?"

He saw Ms. Kate tense, that was not a reaction he expected. Seeing Jason's stare, she relaxed her shoulders and let a smile slip on her face.

"It's procedure. Nothing to worry about."

Jason and Ms. Kate watched each other in silence for two beats in time before Jason turned around and started to walk away.

Ms. Kate watched Jason's disappearing figure. He looked just like any other boy out in the human world, and yet he was someone who hid a big secret and Ms. Kate knew something was off. She let out a half sigh, she couldn't completely let go of that worry.

"He didn't do anything silly, did he?"


SO... what do you guys think? I finally got the chance to update and there may be MISTAKES! SORRY!

I hope you liked it, it's just chapter one and setting the scene. What do you think is happening to Jason? Any theories, guesses? I would love to know. 

What did you guys think about SnowFire? 

Oh btw, did you read SnowFire? If you didn't, I recommend you do, but this chapter spoiled a lot of the book - whoops. 

I don't know when I will be able to update again - I will count this as a sneak peek - but hopefully soon!

Keep dreaming readers, and never give up.


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