Chapter 11 (25) End Game (Unedited)

Start from the beginning

     Kandor didn't say anything but dropped me off where I had told him too before speaking to me over the communication system as he took off again, "I don't know what you are planning but if it's possible for you to make it back to the ship, I am not sure I am ready for a new commanding officer." I waved to Kandor before he flew over me heading back to the fight or what he thought would be the fight, there was a call that I had to make before I could give the rest of the ground force any orders. I looked over at the small fountain in the middle of the square, seeing the reflection of my eyes. The soft golden reflection seemed to look back at me but only reflected my fears of the soon to come future.

     I changed my view looking up to a building about a mile away from where I stood, "Argos, get me, Shiro!" I started walking toward the building following a canal that carried water from the pond under bridges and across the city, possibly to other ponds across the city. Argos informed me that the channels had been linked and so I started speaking to Shiro, "I have a mission for you but I need you to think it over, there is a possibility that you will not make it back alive and that I will die along side you. One of us needs to make it to the building where the Racosan council is currently speaking about the war as it rages in this city, the goal is to convince them to end the war or to kill them if they refuse to compromise with us. If you think it's too dangerous listen to my next orders otherwise ignore them."

     Shiro spoke softly and confidently, "Send me the coordinates, it's time to end this, I am going to have to ignore your next orders before they are given." The channel ended and I knew that in only a few seconds Argos would have all of our people's attention, I saw a reflection in the water that was from someone or something following me, that could wait to see as the new communication channel was now open.

     "Attention Aligned Coalition of Planets personal, this is Captain Tanem Jax, the situation in the city had become too dangerous to continue hope of a successful ground invasion. The Racosan Military is willing to sacrifice this city if it means defeating us, we can not allow that outcome. Therefore I am ordering a full evacuation of the city, I will keep their attention long enough to ensure the safety the evacuation, good luck! Tanem out!" It was done, and all I could do was wait and see what happened.

     The person who had been trailing me for the last minute or so finally spoke, "I don't think you are planning to simply ensure the safety of the forces evacuating. Are you trying to make a martyr of yourself?"

     I recognized Admiral Zaryal's voice immediately and stopped walking though I spoke as calmly as I could knowing he was referring to the fact I could get killed, "That is not my plan, Admiral. In fact, the plan is much more unsettling if I make it to where I am going."

     "Enlighten me then."

     I sighed, "I'm going to meet with the Racosan High Command, depending on them, this war will either end with them agreeing that war is not in anyone's best interest or all of them and myself dying as to bring this war to an end."

     "I won't let you do that!" Before I could respond he threw a punch at me, I had figured that would happen so I was able to use his momentum against him breaking his arm before smashing my palm against the back of Zaryal's head rendering him unconscious.

     I stopped him from falling onto the hard paneling we were standing on and slowly laid him down, "I am sorry but this is my choice, I don't want to become a martyr. I don't even want to die but if this works my daughter will grow up knowing peace, my crew won't have to die in a different battle over some other world, and even the Racosan people may feel better about looking through the stars. I know I don't have all of the answers but I have this one, unlike my father and uncle who had their orders." I looked at Zaryal's face remembering the suicide order he left for both of them, "Unlike them, I don't have to act first to save my friend before he acts against me, he was never a part of that plan."

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