Chapter 14(28) Epilogue(Unedited)

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     For Arun, it had only been seconds, as for everyone around him on it had been much longer, approximately twelve years. When he was able to see the statues, after his momentary blindness faded, he realized that he was exactly twelve years too late. The person he came to speak to died the day Arun had first spoken to him, "Tanem had sacrificed himself for the people he cared about and for those who would come in the future," Arun said softly to himself before turning around and walking for what seemed like hours. He did not know how long the day lasted on Saltaner, let alone what time he had arrived. Eventually, he stumbled across a beach, the soft waves reminded him of a time long in his past, a time when he knew his real parents and the last night he had spent in their company. The soft orange sky made him feel happy, he loved his new home but that was as far as the enjoyment lasted. After the slight memory of joy passed the rest of his youth caught up to him making him feel lost and alone.

     Arun heard a someone, obviously male, ask him a question from behind him, "You seem a little lost, is there any way I can help?"

     "Unfortunately you need to know where you are going to be lost, but in a way I guess I have been lost for a while!" Arun finished speaking before turning around and gazing directly into the most beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes he had ever seen, hidden within fur darker than space if there were no stars and highlighted by a gorgeous neon blue secondary fur pattern.

     "Do you know of anyone that might be able to help you? I know my way around the city if you can give me a little information!" Arun could see the kind nature of the canine in front of him, finding himself unable to look away.

     "It's too late to talk to the one person I figured could help me."

     "It's never too late!"

     "The person I came here to find died before I arrived! I have nowhere to go and I don't know who I can go to at this point." Arun turned around and sat down to stare at the sunset, the stranger surprised him by sitting down right beside him moments later. Arun could feel his concern, even though

     "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Do you have a place to stay?"

     "You just met me and I don't even know your name, since I have been open with everything else, no, I have nowhere to stay."

     "I'm Jakku Romanov!" He smiled warmly, something that made Arun wander.

     "Arun Darkline, are you always this friendly with new people?"

     Jakku laughed softly, "Believe it or not, you are the only person I have ever been this open with the first time I met them. I normally make a fool of myself."

     This time Arun laughed allowing a large smile to dominate his face, "So, is there anything fun to do around here? In your opinion anyways."

     Jakku seemed to give this some thought before responding," depends on what you like!"

     This time Arun had to think a little, it had been a while since he had thought about what interested him, "I have always been into the sciences!"

     "There is a cave on an island just out of sight when you look over the ocean that might interest you then if you like I can take you to them tomorrow, I don't have any plans anyways. I also might have an idea about a place you could stay!"

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