2 "Um, Colum right?"

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I never once thought I would get caught and end up in this stupid foster system. My dad found one little baggy of my weed and I was out. It's not like they haven't tried or did a little weed in their day? And now I'm standing with a few suit cases in front of my new 'home'. My social worker just dropped me off.

I sigh and slowly work my way up the long, cemented pathway to the door. I softly knock on the door and wait. It wasn't long until someone opened the door.

A somewhat tall women stood at the door with a wide smile plastered to her face. I awkwardly put a smile on my face. The women had black short hair, small brown eyes and in my opinion, a hideous yellow sundress.

"You must be Andrea! I'm Joy! Please come on in." She smiled more and opened the door enough for me to walk in.

I smiled and slowly walked it. The house was actually incredibly beautiful. Tinted tan walls with what I figured were some of their family photo's.

I examined one of the photo's on the wall. I noticed that there was only four people in the image. I turn around when I hear someone come down the stairs.

"Hey mum I'm about to head off to Luke's." The tall, tan boy said to his mom. I silently stood.

"First before you head off sweetheart, meet Andrea. Your new foster sister." The mystery boy turned to me. He flashed me a bright white smile.

"Um, Colum right?" I mumble and adjust my shirt as he laughed softly. I blushed, unsure why he was laughing. Did I have something on my face?

"It's Calum." He nodded and smiled, noticing my discomfort from the situation.

"Calum, right. Sorry" I awkwardly laugh. I'm too damn awkward for this shit.

"Calum why don't you show Andrea to her room" Joy smiled and started walking to the kitchen "Be nice" She said quietly for him to hear as she exited the room. Which only made Calum laugh more.

"I'll take these." He walked towards me and took my bags from my hands. His warm, soft hands brushed over mine and I felt myself blush more. Hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Thanks" I smiled softly and watched as he turned to the stairs to walk up. Which I followed. He responded back with a small smile.

He took me upstairs to what is now my room. We walked in and I looked around. The room wasn't big but wasn't too small. It had grey, blueish walls.

"This was my sisters room. But it's yours now so you can do whatever you want with it. Mali moved out a few years ago." He explained as he sat my bags down by the bed in the far corner.

I nodded and walked over. I slowly sat down onto the edge of the bed.

"Not much of a talker I see?" He chuckles and leans against the door frame of the door.

I never was really good at communicating. I was always too shy and nervous. Mostly anxious actually. I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was 12 after I had a nervous break down before presenting at school. It was absolutely terrible. Thankfully I didn't have to present after that.

"Oh sorry. Just a little anxious" I chuckle to myself and look down. This was my first foster home and honestly there would probably be more. I wasn't planning on giving my new 'parents' hell but I wasn't planning on totally changing myself.

He nods "I understand. First foster home and all" He totally read my mind "But trust me. It won't be so bad. It's just us" He winks jokinly and laughs "No, but like I said, it won't be bad. Mom and Dad aren't very strict. Just no smoking in the house. Learned that the hard way" He smiles playfully.

His smile was honestly so contagious. If you see him smile it automatically makes you smile. He has the cutest smile wrinkles. Okay what the hell.

"Well, I was about to head off to a friends.. I don't know if you um needed help unpacking or getting situated?" He almost looked nervous asking.

"I should be fine. I don't wanna hold you up from your plans" I smile up at him "Thanks though." He smiles and nods.

"Then I guess i'll see you later" He smiles and grabs the door handle then closes the door as he leaves.

I sigh and lay back onto the bed. I already feel like this is gonna be the longest 2 years of my life till I'd be 18. It's not like I didn't like the Hood family so far, it's just I didn't live with a guy besides my dad. And now I do and he's two years older than me and we aren't really related. So I have no clue what could happen. But I do know nothing can happen or I could be kicked out of this foster home. And that is not what I need.

I slowly sit up and decided to get to work on unpacking my stuff. I started off by taking everything out of my bags then putting my bags under the bed. I put all my shirts in the closet and my jeans and sleepwear in the dresser. This took me awhile to get situated in and everything the way I wanted it.

I heard a small knock as I just finished up. I look over at the door and call out to whoever it was to come in.

"Dinners ready sweetheart" It was Joy.

"Okay. I'll be down in a few minutes" I smile and nod. Joy smiled back and left to go back downstairs.

I decided to get in comfier clothes. I put on some leggings and one of my dads sweatshirts on. I feel like I will miss my parents more than I think but then don't. I was tired of them. Tired of the fighting. Tired of the whole back and forth and the whole situation in general.

I quietly left the room and went down stairs. I saw Calum and Joy sitting around the table. I went over to join them. They both offer me a warm smile that I return.

"How was band practice?" Joy asked her son as they started to put food on their plates. I joined them.

"Same old shit-"

"Calum language" Joy scolded over at him and he blushed.

"Sorry... Well the guys still wont listen to my ideas." He sighs and shakes his head.

"Your in a band?" I look over at him. He looks over at me with his big brown eyes. Which I seem to actually love.

"Yeah. We started awhile ago. We post covers and stuff but were not very big" He chuckles and takes a bite out of his food.

"What are you guys called? How many members?" I start eating.

"Five Seconds of Summer. And there's three others, Michael, Luke and Ashton" He smiles and I nod. The conversation is interrupted when another older guys walks in. Calum's dad?

"Sorry it took awhile. I was finishing up some work" The guy kisses Joy on the cheek and sits.

"David this is Andrea" She smiles and I look over at him as I smile.

"It's great to meet you Andrea" He smiles and gets food onto his plate.

"You too" I reply softly and eat.

I stayed quiet most of the time. I replied to when David or Joy asked me questions. Calum mostly stayed quiet too. But then dinner finally ended and I said goodnight to everyone. I went upstairs to get ready for bed. But sadly tomorrow was my first day at a new school..


I dont know why but this took like three hours. and im so tired so im going to bed. i hope you guys liked it(:
-M xxx

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