Tag #003. - The Hella Random And Awkward Tag

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So, basically, there are 32 questions here, and as I love invading my own privacy, here we go!

If you use this tag, try to tag about 15 people!

1. What are you wearing? – Cut off shorts and a M.A.S.H. t-shirt.

2. Ever been in love? – Um, yes-ish? I once completely fell head over heels for a friend of mine, but I don't think it was love. So, ish is my answer.

3. Ever had a terrible breakup? – Okay, so have I got a story for my wattpaders. I, since I was in third grade, have been in a committed relationship. You all can laugh and joke, but I'm being serious. We dated in third grade, and he moved away in fourth grade, but we never actually broke up. So, there's that. But also, yeah. My friend Ronnie and I... meh.

4. How tall are you? – 5'2, unless I have heels.

5. How much do you weigh? – Enough to have boobs and a butt, I guess?

6. Any tattoos? – Not until April, I'm afraid.

7. Any piercings? – Ear piercings!

8. OTP? – Fuck. There are so many of them. Probably, honestly, PruCan and/or MakoHaru.

9. Favorite show? – South Park, Supernatural, and Sherlock.

10. Favorite bands? – Go back a tag, they're there.

11. Something you miss? – The fucking days when gym class was once a week.

12. Favorite song? – Oh god. This changes like...every hour? Right now, it's Fire 'N Gold by Bea Miller, but don't hold me to that three hours from now.

13. How old are you? – A ROLLING THUNDER! Away from sixteen.

14. Zodiac sign? – Taurus. Moo moo.

15. Quality you look for in a partner? – Well, partners, for one. And, honestly, humor. You make me laugh, you're golden.

16. Favorite quote? – Just wing it. Life, eyeliner, everything.

17. Favorite actor? – David Spade or Jim Carrey

18. Favorite color? – Again, go back a tag.

19. Loud music, or soft? – Some days, it's Daniel Jang, others it's Rammstein.

20. Where do you go when you're sad? – I take walks in the forest by my house.

21. How long does it take you to shower? – 15min tops.

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? – About 30 minutes, if I do makeup...

23. Ever been in a physical fight? – Yuppers!

24. Turn on? – Um, *cough*, running hands through my hair.

25. Turn off? – Bad grammar.

26. The reason I joined Wattpad? – Well, I loved how people came together to obsess over fanfiction, and I wanted to be a part of it. This site happened to be the first one I found.

27. Fears? – Rollercoasters, heights, bridges, sewers, guns, arguing, being home alone.

28. Last thing that made you cry? - Trust0Me0im0Dumb02 told me that they looked up to me, and I'm a huge sap for that kind of thing, so I cried.

29. Last time you said you loved someone? – I told it to Hinata after reading a fanfic.

30. Meaning behind your Wattpad name? – Well, I love Peter Pan, first of all. That's the pan part. But, I wanted to be famous... and I also wanted to be famous for things that made people not like me (i.e., angsty fics), so I wanted to be: Infamouspan.

31. Last book you read? – 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King

32. The book you're currently reader? – The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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