“Don’t tell, or I will punish you.” He said seductively and winking.

I heard someone yelling and we both snapped our head up towards it and saw Andrew storming me us. He pack members were looking at him walk towards us, confused. I don’t know why but I hid behind Damien like a little five shy year old girl.

When nothing happened I look back out to see he had walked passed us still looking pretty pissed, I think the people around me were making it hard for him to get to me...


“You can’t hide away from me,” I heard someone said, breathing down my neck. Goose bumps rose on my arms. Without looking behind me I knew it was my mate. I was not hiding! I just keep avoiding his stare, lustful stare, and hid behind Damien. Okay I was hiding, but that was because the feelings I had when I look up and he is already starring were creeping me out. I didn’t want a mate. I didn’t want to feel vulnerable, always depending on my mate. But these feelings were starting to make me thinking otherwise…

“What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were a girl.” I said walking towards the sink to wash my hands. Going to the bathroom sure was stupid if I wanted to avoid him, but did I really want to avoid him?

“Oh, I’m not, I can show you.” My mate said stepping towards me like a predator does towards his prey. It did make him look sexy, with those grey eyes of his looking at mine through the mirror. I continued to wash my hands like I wasn’t in some bathroom alone with a guy, more specifically, my mate.

I looked back up into the mirror to see he was right behind me. I didn’t need to see to feel him though. His muscular chest was firmly pressed against my back, warmth and a delicious smell radiating off him. My skin tingled and I grabbed the edge of the sink hard stopping me from losing control when his hands went around me, one hand on my abdomen. His hot breath was on my neck.

“What are you doing?” I asked my mind turning mushy by just being in his arms.

“Mate,” He whispered before kissing my neck, making my knees weak. I couldn’t help but let out a slight moan when his sharp teeth grazed on my tender skin. His arms wrapped around me my more tightly when I did, I could feel him also having the affects behind me.

“Why were you with some whore?” I asked trying to get myself under control. I don’t want to seem like a slut. I remember what Damien said about him using girls as toys, and it did piss me off.

“Jealous?” He huskily said in my ear. I wanted to give in him like every part of me wanted to but, I’m Cat Davis, I don’t roll that way.

I got out his grip and faced him, “Jealous?”  His grey eyes were dark, showing me he wanted me.

I went up on my tippy toes and brushed my lips against his ear lobe, “No honey, I was mad.” I said watching a shiver pass him.

He gulped and with that I walked out my mind in daze as I walked down the halls.

“Hello kitty,” Someone said making me stop. Is everyone going to make me a nick name?

I faced someone with ash brown hair and brown eyes. I remember he was of the guys with Andrew.

“Uh…hi,” I said blinking a few times.

“You are Andrew’s mate, Cat right?” I swallowed hard before nodding. I guess if I tell every female werewolf that I’m his mate they would fuck off, or HE would fuck off…

Before he could say anything else someone pulled my hair and made me face them. Bimbo # 1 was there, in all her fake glory.

“We need to talk.” She said angrily. …'talk' is another way to say fight…

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