10| Fred Weasley (request)

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---NEXT DAY---
P/s: it's hilarious

" You little fck! Where the hell are you!! " I yelled as I come towards the Griffindor table

" Woa! Woa! Who are you looking for? " said a boy in glasses, Harry Potter

" The Weasleys, the twin , where are they!? " I said, eyes full of anger

" Well, settle down, we can keep it low.... " said the girl next to him, a ginger... Weasley

" Ginny, Ginny Weasley right? " I said, cooled down a bit

" Yes, I am " she answered

" I don't really want to make this a big deal.... but your brothers, the twins.... they pranked my friend yesterday and she ended up crying " I explained to Ginny, she seems like a reasonable girl, not some obnoxious pricks.... you know who I am talking about

" Oh! I'm terribly sorry! Is she ok?"

" Only when I kick them both in the face " I said rolled my blue eyes that are really standing out the color of my curly short brown hair

" Fred! George! You got a visitor! " a girl they called.... Hermione, alarmed the guys

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