"You completely ignored our letters over the summer, and you didn't give us any explanation on the train! The only thing that we heard was from-" he paused, "Seamus. Lately, you've avoided us during class, ignored letters, and you don't even look at us. To make things even worse, you've been hanging around Malfoy of all people. What's going on with you?"

"Harry, I know you guys are probably angry, but I really can't talk about it. Please just-"

"You bet we're angry! I understand that he's in Slytherin and all, but why won't you talk to us? What's so terrible that you won't even look at us?" When I didn't say anything, he said bitterly, "Fine. I see how it is. Have fun with Malfoy."

I felt guilty, but I just couldn't tell him anything. None of them would look at me the same if I showed them my mark. If anything, it would make them hate me even more.

"It's really, really, bad, Harry. If you knew, you would never-ever forgive me. It's best that you just stay out of my way. I don't expect you to understand, but I really do mean it, OK?"

Before he could say anything, I turned around in the direction of the Slytherin common room. I hung my head low since my eyes were glassy and my face was red.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone abruptly. "Trails? What are you doing-" It was Malfoy. I recognized his voice and tried to not make eye contact with him. I quietly apologized and walked around him quickly. He caught up to my pace and tried to stop me.

"Get out of my way Malfoy!" I bellowed, in hopes that he would move.

"Trails, what the hell happened?" He stared at me and realized that my eyes were glassy, "Are you-"

"Can't you see! I don't want to talk about it Malfoy! If you had some humanity in you, you'd let me go!"

When I stormed off, he kept trailing behind, so it was no use to continue to the common room, where he'd follow me. So, I thought of the closest female lavatory. As I picked up the pace, he followed, and then grabbed my arm making me stop.

"I can't do this anymore Malfoy! I can't go another day avoiding my friends, it's driving me mad! I've never kept a thing from Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and the huge mark on my forearm won't change that. It doesn't matter what house their in, their my friends. I have to tell them! I never wanted to be in this huge mess anyway, so why should I keep it a secret? I might as well just go around and tell everyone what happened over the summer because I-I can't do this anymore!"

I began to take deep breaths as I spoke. Tears were streaming down my face. Gradually, I built up the courage to carry on. "I get looks in the halls because I haven't explained myself to anyone... one day I'm friends with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and the next I've completely ghosted them. Those who were In Dumbledore's Army as well knew that I went to the Ministry to fight with them, and all the sudden I'm gone... it doesn't take long to connect the dots that my parents were obviously involved with the Death Eaters, and decided to hide me from the others so that no one else would find out that I was fighting for Dumbledore!"

Malfoy stared at me blankly, unsure of what to say. He knew I was right... about everything.

I ran my fingers through my hair,"It's a lot, OK? I've never been on this side. I was always there to help Harry, Hermione, and Ron through all of those tasks. I was always the one defending Harry, but now... it's the complete opposite."


When I woke up the next morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed that there were dark circles under my eyes. I wasn't able to sleep at all last night, and I really just wanted to skip classes.

The fact that I want to skip, means that things are terrible... because normally I quite enjoyed classes. I slowly got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I changed into my robes and combed my hair.

I figured I'd ditch breakfast, and work on my potions essay instead. I was mid-way through my essay when I looked at the time. Crap, two minutes until classes began.

I gathered my things and sprinted in the direction towards the Transfiguration classroom. I sat down in front of Pansy and Blaise and put down my books.

Pansy watched me as I propped my books on the desk and asked me curiously, "Why weren't you at breakfast?"

"Wasn't hungry. I was working on my potions essay instead."

"Where were you last night? We didn't catch you and Draco during dinner and I didn't see you at all until this morning."

This caught Blaise's attention, and he watched me as I tried to think of something to say. Great.

The last thing I wanted was Pansy Parkinson questioning my whereabouts along with Draco's.

"Slughorn asked me to help clean out some cauldrons after dinner, I decided to get an early start on it so that I could work on my potions essay in the library. I dunno about Malfoy, why?" I lied nervously, hoping that they would buy it. I was born a good liar. The only person that could tell when I was lying was my mum.

"Seemed a little odd that you two didn't show up at dinner, that's all..."

I knew that Pansy and Malfoy were on this on and off fling, so that was probably why she was concerned about Draco's whereabouts, but it was a little weird of her questioning mine.

I was glad that Professor McGonagall began her lesson because I really didn't want to talk about last night to Pansy of all people.


Almost half of the day went by, and I was on my way to Potions. I did consider skipping Potions, but then I would have to explain to Slughorn why I did skip, and I wouldn't have a good reason.

I made no eye contact with anyone, and I just sat beside Millicent as Slughorn began his lesson. I could feel the three Gryffindor's eyes watching me, but I ignored them. Draco kept on looking at me as well, but I avoided all of it.

When we were dismissed, I made my way as fast as I could out of the classroom and went to my next class.

Before I knew it, I made it alive to charms. Last class of the day, thank Merlin! I sat down in my usual spot, and Draco sat down beside me.

He looked at me and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I've been better," I avoided all eye contact with him because last night just made it really awkward for me. Draco Malfoy is not someone who I sought for comfort, yet I did last night.

Professor Flitwick explained to us in depth of what non-verbal magic was, reminding us that the research papers were due tomorrow. During the summer, Snape had taught Draco and I how to use non-verbal magic. I was only able to do simple spells with it, and Draco could perform almost any spell non-verbally.

When class ended, I left and headed straight towards the dorm. I sat back in the same spot as earlier and re-read my potion's essay.

Afterwards, I took out my wand and did basic magic, levitating my quill without saying the spell verbally, which seemed to have amazed many first and second years. The quill began to float in the air.


I approached the Great Hall when I was pulled into a corner by someone.

"What the hell!" I faced the person who had grabbed my arm, to see Malfoy.

"Room of Requirement, after dinner." I sighed, and nodded, walking back to the Great Hall.

Optionless with Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now