“I guess I’m friendly,” I suggest.

“Friendly! Great! What else?”


“Yes! That’s fantastic! Keep going.”

It seems like I’m out of things to say. I think and think, and then I decide to admit, “But I’m kind of shy around big crowds.”

“Okay,” Cassandra says. “So maybe you could do something like…petite?”

Petite? I do not want to look small and girly.

“Um, no thanks,” I answer. “More like cheerful and polite.”

Cassandra stares at me, disappointment flaring in her eyes. “But don’t you want to stand out, Sandi?”

Time to start my plan. “Did you stand out at your interviews, Cassandra?” I ask, looking up at my mentor and blinking innocently.

Suddenly darkness and grief sweeps over Cassandra eyes, and she avoids my gaze. “Yes, a little,” she murmurs.

I bounce up and down on the bed, pretending like I didn’t notice her change of emotions. “Oh, please tell me about it! Please!”

Cassandra’s eyes narrow and she turns back to stare at me. “Now is not the time, Sandi! Don’t you know that? We need to be working on you, not me!”

I scoot away from her, my eyes round in surprise. Did Cassandra just yell at me?

Then Cassandra puts on that fake smile of hers again. “Now, Sandi, let’s get back to you—you want to be shy and polite, is that right?”

“Y-yes,” I answer warily.

“Okay. We’ll do that!”

I just stare back at her.

“So, I’ll be Sallie Castro, and you be you. Let’s start with our first question—”

“Was Sallie the interviewer when you were in the Hunger Games, or not?”

Cassandra stiffens, trying to sustain her smile. “Yes.”

“Was she nice to you?”

“She was,” Cassandra chokes out, her voice barely audible. But then she clears her throat and says, “Now, Sandi, why don’t we get started with our first question?”

“Okay,” I agree, shrugging.

“Tell me a little about your time in the Capitol.”

“It’s fun. The place where I stay is really luxurious, and the food is tasty.”

Cassandra gives me a nod of approval. “Good. You just need to be a bit more detailed.”

“Were you detailed at your interviews?”

Cassandra stares at me. “Detailed enough,” she mutters. “Now please, can we keep working?”

“Yes, Cassandra,” I agree. And the plan is going perfectly.

“Here’s your next question: Do you feel ready for the Games?”

I stare in surprise at my mentor. The Hunger Games is a very uncomfortable subject for me. What if Sallie asks me the same thing at the real interviews? Will I be able to answer?

Well, what do you think what you’re doing right now is for? Practice, dummy! Cassandra’s preparing you, and you’ll be fine.

“Well?” Cassandra interrupts my thoughts.

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