Thoughts and Copyright

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Wanted to write on Naushad and Meherunissa since a long time, even before the webseries got released. 😝 Gave a guest appearance of Charu (Meherunissa/Surveen) in my story 'Rajveer-Naina Kuch To Log Kahenge Alternate Story'. 😄 Today finally got a chance to start a story on this beautiful pair. Thanks to RAINALRL (Ayesha) for sharing that she is thinking about starting a NAUHER story that I finally decided that it's really a high time and I should seriously consider writing a story now on NAUHER. Ayesha do bring your story real soon, looking forward to reading it. 😘😘😘

So here I am starting this story.

Basically I am using a/few scene/scenes from the original series of HAQ SE adding my own flavours into it, as the story proceeds. My main focus of this story will be on the growth in the relationship among the trio - Meherunissa~Aaliya~Naushad.

This is officially my first story on Naushad-Meher; first story based on HAQ SE!

Hope you all have a great time reading this. 😊💖

No part of this book shall be reproduced in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical.



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HAQ SE : Tu Hi ZindaganiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin