Chapter 36

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Francesca's POV

Just before Edward's christening I found out I was pregnant.

I was three months pregnant and it was my scan. Me and Zayn arrived at 12:30pm and are appointment was for 12:50-1:20pm.


"Francesca Malik" the receptionist called. Me and Zayn got up and walked to room two.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Malik" he greeted us and shook our hands.

"Would you like to lie down please Francesca"

"Yep" I smilled.

He rubbed the gel on my stomach, it was cold. He rubbed the scope over my stomach but I couldn't see anything, I am only three months pregnant the baby is probably still very small.

"Is that the baby there?" I questioned pointing to a blob I saw.

"Could you please excuse me for a moment" he smilled as he got up and left the room.

"What's wrong Zayn?" I could tell something wasn't right.

"I'm not sure babe" he placed his hand on top of mine.

The Doctor came back in the room and from his face I could tell it was bad news.

"What is it?" I asked sitting up a bit.

"I'm afraid it's not good news, you have lost the baby. I am very sorry. You can try again in a couple of weeks. I'll leave you two alone. Stay as long as you want"

He left the room. I avoided eye contact with Zayn.

"Zayn, I'm sorry I lost the baby" I looked at him.

"Hey, it's not your fault these things happen sometimes" he kissed my cheek and I felt one of his tears against my cheek.

"But not to us" I hugged him tight.

"It can happen to anyone, and that baby wasn't meant to be" he hugged me back.

"Wasn't meant to be full stop" I turned away from him.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Are you trying to say you don't think your meant to have children?" he cupped my face.

"Hmm" I replied.

"Francesca how could you know? It's your first time being pregnant. My auntie lost her baby first time being pregnant and she has three children now" he reached out to hug me.

"But it's not my first pregnancy"

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