she opens the wadrobe and dissapears out of my sight because to doors is in the way of where she is stood. not long later she came back into my view with light blue skinny jeans on , rolled up in three quaters and a black v neck t-shirt. I put my white v neck top on and put my caterpillar boots on and my leather jacket, then oulled my briad over my wholder, my fringe was still out tho. we both stood there putting our make up on while chatting.

( Kensi=K , Sofia=S )

K- " How come you have never asked if you have any other family ? dont you what to know ?"

S- " yeah I would love to know if ihave other family, and I would love to meet them if they are still alive. but I understand that this may be hard for you or you may not know what to say. so I have just haven't said anything because I know you will tell me in your own time. and I totally understand. but always know that no matter what you say it wont effect me. if you dont want me to meet... lets say your mom ... because you think she may judge yy for havin me so young, then I totally understand and I will respect that because its our family not mine. so what ever you choose im happy to go along with it. and remember deeks is always there for you. " says while doing make up in mirror.

K- stands shocked for a moment. " Wow. how are you so smart... or corse I want you to meet may family... but the only biological familu I have left is my mother. I want you two to meet I just gont really know how to tell her. "

S- " well I thought over 1000 ways to tell you I was alive but I just didnt know how to when it came to it. but if you just go it will all work out as it goes along. you could ask her around for dinner, or go round to her house. I can be with you or not , its all up to you. just think about it, and you will know what to do. "

K- " thanks soph "

S- " no problem "

( back to Sofia pov: )

kensi pulled her hair into a high ponytail. then we walked out of the room. deeks was sat on the sofa waiting for us. " you two finally ready ?" he asks us. which makes us both laugh. " yep " kensi says as she grabs her coat and slips on her shoes.

while in the car we blast music and sing along. at the moment we are singing along to ' Five Colours In Her Hair ' but 'The Vamps' cover of it. ( its a really good son yy should listen to it )

we arive at work and I get out first. " im just gonna go talk to hetty, see yous I abit." I say as I close my door just as kensi and deeks get out of the car. " ok see you later." they say in unison which I find adorable, #densimoment . I am going through that faise where I say hashtag, but I only ever say it in my head. because I sound like a retard if I say it out loud.

I walk strait past the bullpen where sam and callen are playing basket bakl with paper and a trash can . " heya " I say as I do a spin to look at them and wave, I keep moving towards hettt. I bet that move looked so awesome. 

I walk up into hettys office and stand next to the chair infront of her desk. " ah miss.Blye how may I help you ?" hetty asks putting her tea down. " can I talk to you , about this ghost thing please ?" I ask. " of corse you may " she says gesturing for me to sit down. so I do. " so whats bothering you ?" she says poring me a cup of tea. as i lived in england for a while I like tea. that sounds verry stereotypical but its true.

" well its going to sound stupid,  but I dont want to do it any more. it was fun to start with but I would like to be able to get to know them. and its kind of evil messig with their heads like this... I totally understand if ou dont want me to stop, I would just askig if I could. I ciuld keep myself a mystery to test there skills hyt the ghost thin is no fun, and wont get us anywhere. would that be ok ?"  hetty looks alittle shocked. " you my child are unique.  " I give her a confused look " how so ?" I ask. " most girls your age who have grown up in your situation or a lot more stubben, stupid and have a lot of f attitude.  dont get me wrong I know you have too but you know there is a time and a place, an you can controle your self. you have the best manners out of all of them " hetty says with a wink pointin to the team. I laugh " of corse you may stop. and if you with to keep knowledge about you hidden to test there skills then you may. " she says sipoing her tea. " would you like me to update you on how they take things and how they try to figure things out ? " I ask. " that would be grate thank you. " she says. " ok. thanks hetty " . " now go and tell the others " she says shoowing me away.

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