Chapter 4

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"Lele!"screamed Jullian."what?"
Asked Lele."you never told me there were ghosts here"said Jullian."I
Never knew either"said Lele."you
Live here and you dont know what
The hell is that?"asked Jullian."I
Dont live here"said Lele."then why
Did you come here?"asked Jullian.
" I just wanted to see if you are a scaredy cat"said Lele."well i am not
Now run!"said Jullian.

Next Morning.

"Jullian your gonna be late" said
Lillian.Lillian was an older sister to Jullian." I'll be downstairs wait ok?"
Asked Jullian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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