Chapter 2

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" hi there my name is Lele." Said Lele."hi there i am Jullian."said Jullian. "Class is over now."said the teacher."so today i am going to show every one" said Lele. "So the first you would love to meet are the pussycats"said Lele."ok" said Jullian." So next people you would want to meet are the singers" said
Lele."And the last are Barbies"said Lele."ok "said Jullian. " hey wanna come to my house sometimes?"
Said Lele."sure"said Jullian."ok then see you tonight"said Lele. "Wait tonight? "Asked Jullian. "Yeah tonight bye"said Lele."wait but..."
Said Jullian.


"Umm Lele?"Said Jullian."boo"
Shouted Lele."ahhhh"screamed Jullian."Lele dont scare me like
That"said Jullian."ok ok scaredy cat😂"laughed Lele.

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