First Sweetness

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Chanyeol's pov

"Sir I think we need a new pastry chefs. We got feedbacks that they want a new kind of sweets since they're already gotten the taste and sweetness of our special pastries and the pastry chefs are having a hard time to make a new one" Chanyeol's secretary, Taeyong reminded him.

"Oh is it? Hmm that will be hard this time. Our pâtissiers are well-known in the industry of making pastries. Where's the head pâtissiers ?" Chanyeol responds.

"Sir , Mr. Do and Mr. Xi are on vacation, but more likely working vacation. They visited Hawaii for a moment to have new ideas." Taeyong answered.

Chanyeol looked at his watch and saw that it's almost lunch.

"Okay,  you may now leave." he dismisses

"Thank you sir." Taeyong politely replied his boss, bows and leaves the place.

Chanyeol massaged his temples then turned around to see the overview of the city.

Park Chanyeol, one of the famous successful bachelor in South Korea, he's not only the CEO of his mother's company but also owns "Pâtisseries et l'amour" which has branches in Asia and some parts of Europe.

Many thoughts came to his mind when an annoying guy with a skin color of  a sexy touch of tan and a poker faced guy with handsomely sharp jaw line barged into his office.

"Yoda my friend !" Jongin said in a loud and energetic voice.

Sehun eyed him while Chanyeol rolled his eyes to him for being hyperactive.

"What's with you fried skin, you're not like that the last time I saw you, more like gloomy right?" Chanyeol asked while he compiles the stack of papers in his desk.

"Well it's because after he heard Taeyong talking to someone and said Kyungsoo was-- SHT KIM KAI ! "

Sehun stopped blabbering and yelled in pain when Jongin pinched his side waist.

Chanyeol looked at them like they're some alien that landed right in front of his desk.

"What do you need?" He asked while he pinches the bridge of his nose.

The two youngsters stopped hitting at each other then looked at him,

"Well actually we also heard that you also need new pastry chefs that's why we're here" Jongin answered like he was questioned what is the sum of 1+1.

Chanyeol groaned "I don't get it, you're just going to annoy the hell out of me."

Jongin chuckles and claps his hands "easy master yoda, oh by the way I heard from my cousin that there's a small pastry shop near to her school."

"So? do think I do give a care ?" Chanyeol spats, his patience gets little by little because of this kid.

"Hyung why don't you just come to us? " Sehun requested.

Albeit Chanyeol doesn't want to come because he thinks the two youngsters are just playing around but he also thinks maybe this can also help.

Baekhyun's pov

After I finished doing the last strawberry shortcake, cleaned and left my workplace, the shop's door opened, there Kyungsoo and Luhan, entered the shop where I work.

"BAEKHYUUUUN !" they yelled unison as they run walked towards me with an open arms.

I hush them because they made a scene again and the other regular costumers just smiled because they're already used to it. I looked to our manager asking permission again like what I used to do for a year if I can have a little time with them. Mr. Heechul just gave me a nod and smiled.

"How are you Baekkie boo ?" Luhan asked as I lead them to a table near the glass wall where we can see the people who are entering our shop and those who are just passing by.

"I'm doing fine Lulu , this shop is doing great too and students are keeps on coming back." I happily announced.

After a little of chitchat about our work,  life and so on our topic became serious.

"How's your mother doing?" Kyungsoo carefully asked.

I tensed a bit and tries not to get eaten by sadness.

I saw Luhan nudged Kyungsoo,  and clearly on their faces specially to Kyungsoo like he regret asking that question.

"Mom's doing fine, she's still fighting" I said, smiling sadly.

They send a sympathetic smile and hugs me while I'm trying to hold back my tears.

"Okay ! Let's not get sad okay?  Oh Baekkie boo I heard your strawberry shortcake is one of the best seller here in this shop.  Can you make us one?" Luhan said and then pouted.

I just laughed because Kyungsoo covers Luhan's face with the menu.

"I'm not going to make one,  before you came, I already made one so you don't need to wait for so long. " I said as I placed 2 plates with a slice of a strawberry shortcake and a take home boxes right in front of them.

Yes they're also pastry chefs but it doesn't mean you won't crave for other's work specially if they're made by your loving friend.

While I'm watching them eating I can sense that there's someone watching a far from us.

I looked around but I saw nothing but a people who are eating inside our shop and the busy people outside of our shop. I shrugged off the thoughts and watched the two again, fighting over the last piece of strawberry that Luhan had.

I'm glad that I have these two guys in my life.


End of Chapter 1

Typos and grammatical errors will be edited when I got time.

Thanks for reading & voting.


pastries and love // chanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now