To drink you pretty

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It was the evening of Space Record's White Party event. Chloe was in the bathroom finishing up the last touches on her hair and makeup. She was dressed in a white sparkly asymmetrical wrap-like gown with a pair of Louboutin open toed pumps. Her auburn hair was up in a voluminous updo. She grabbed her deep royal blue clutch and headed back into the bedroom where Kol was just putting his white Armani suit jacket on.

"You are incredibly handsome do you know that?" she stated, staring at Kol in the mirror.

Kol chuckled. "Yes I do, thanks to you who reminds me everyday."

Chloe laughed. "Well I'm glad you listen to me then." She looked around the room. "Where's Will?"

"Downstairs. He's getting dressed and should be back up anytime." Kol told her, turning around to face her. "You look drop dead gorgeous. I can't get over how breathtaking you are. I am so fucking lucky and blessed to have you in my life. I can't wait to call you my wife."

Chloe smiled at him. "I can't wait to be your wife too. I love you so much."

"Let's go have a glass of champagne while waiting for Will to finish getting dressed." Kol suggested, reaching for her hand.

Kol and Chloe were standing out on the deck enjoying a glass of champagne together when Will walked out. "Hello my loves, how do I look?" Will asked, stepping out onto the deck. He twirled around slowly to show them his outfit. He had on a white casual suit with the suit jacket open, revealing a white v-neck t-shirt and on his feet white tennis shoes.

Kol whistled at him as Chloe came up to him and gave him a big kiss. "You look very very sexy," she murmured smiling happily at him.

"And you my love look exquisite. So does our Kol." he replied, glancing over at Kol.

Kol came up to the two of them and pulled them close. "I am the luckiest man in the world to have you two. I can't wait to marry you both, I love you." he told them seriously, giving them each a kiss. "Are you two almost ready to go? Niels should be here any minute."

"I'm ready, just have to grab my purse that's all." Chloe told him.

As they were on their way to the hotel where the party was being held, Nigel and his date had just arrived and were milling about talking to various people and being photographed by the press. He spotted his newest producer, Harrison, standing talking to another man. Both were dressed in white suits and Nigel assumed that was Harrison's boyfriend since he had an arm around him and they were standing close to each other. "Hey Harrison," he shouted waving at him.

Harrison waved back at him as Alastair glanced curiously at him.

Nigel walked over to them. "Glad you made it. Who did you bring with you?"

"I brought my friend Alastair and my drumsticks." he chuckled.

Nigel laughed. "Can't go anywhere without those drumsticks can you?"

Harrison laughed and grinned at Nigel. "I can't."

Nigel turned to Alastair. "So Alastair nice to meet you. I'm Nigel, I work with Harrison."

"I've worked with Harrison myself quite a few times," Alastair said playfully, winking at Harrison as he sipped champagne from his glass. "Nice to meet you Nigel."

Kol, Chloe and Will arrived in their black limo moments later. Kol stepped out first who helped Chloe get out followed by Will who took his place next to her. "Are you ready Princess?" Kol asked her, grasping onto her hand.

They walked along the red carpet and posed for pictures. When the press yelled to them asking about Chloe's engagement ring, Kol just smiled and replied, "You'll have to wait for the big announcement."

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