"What are you guys doing." Kate asks.

Melissa holds up her script before saying, "Just going over some lines, have you thought about how you're going to dance?"

'Shit' Kate thinks to herself, 'I forgot I still had to do that.'

"Uh, yeah i'm just going think of it as I go.."

"I can't wait to see how that turns out." Kristen says with a slight laugh.

The comment shocks Kate, she thought that Kristen would be ignoring her, or at least not joking around with her but she wasn't going to complain about the fact she was.

"You and me both."

The three women stand there and chat for a while before Paul comes over telling them that they're ready to start filming.

"Kate we'll put you over by this work bench while Kristen goes over towards the boxes to unpack, there are markings on the floor where you both stand, or in Kate's case, dance."

They all spring into action, taking their places on their own respectable areas, and Melissa does her little bit with the soup before Paul yells "Cut!"

"Great job Melissa! Now let's pan the cameras over to Kate and Kristen." Paul adds.

"Okay," Kate says, "Let's do this!"

Paul grins before yelling "Action!"

The familiar sounds of Rhythm of the Night fills the room and Kate takes that as her cue to pop up from behind the workbench, before doing a quick turn and then a small body roll before she hears the words "Cut!"

"Did I do something wrong?" Kate asks.

"No Kate that was brilliant, Kristen missed her line, guess she was too into the dancing." Paul says with a laugh.

Kate looks up at Kristen and see's that she has turned a deep red and starts stuttering, trying to find an excuse.

"I- uh, I was, um.." She says before trailing off.

Kate looks at Kristen and she's very confused, what just happened?

"The usual reaction I get from the ladies." She says before winking at Kristen before immediately realising what she'd done, and her cocky facade dropped instantly.

Kristen's heart dropped, no one could find out she had been having more than friendly feelings towards her younger co-star, it just wouldn't turn out well at all, and she wasn't even sure of it herself!

Paul cleared his throat awkwardly before telling everyone to take it from the top.

"Take two!"

The music started again and Kate cringed at the song, it was already getting annoying but she pushed past that and started her dancing as she did last time and was relieved when she heard Kristen do her bit on time this take.

"Oh we're dancing?"

Kate did a small spin before grabbing some screw drivers and singing into them, keeping eye contact with Kristen the whole time, not missing the blush on her face as she did so.

"Let's be safe though."

For some reason she felt like that had more meaning than just script, like Kristen was telling her something, it was as if she was saying that being in anything more than a friendly relationship wouldn't be safe.

She shook the thoughts out of her head before grabbing two blow torches and waving them around, setting fire to the roll of paper.




Grabbing the extinguisher, Kate put the fire out before completing the dance as Melissa came in.

"Hate to DeBarge in," She said before pointing over at Kate, "Ha! She loves that."

It took a few seconds for Kristen to tear her eyes away from Kate and she just wished she knew why.

{ A/N: This took forever and wasn't that great, sorry!! Hope you all liked it though. }

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