The Begining

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Those were the last words Riot heard before blacking out.





"She's gonna be okay right doc?" My aunt's voice rang in my head as it pounded against the inner walls of the skull holding it isolated in my bodie's safety. "She'll be fine Mrs.Wotren..." The supposedly doctor said assuring I was just fine. I attempted to sit up when a grunt left my mouth. "Hey,take it easy..." My aunt I called Mimi {pronounced as(me-me);p}

"Urgh,this pounding head of mine is gonna be my death..." I sighed and leaned back,"What happened Mimi.?"The question of all questions...She gave me a look that sent a weird vibe through the room."Well..."


Riot was walking home with music in her ears and playing a game on her phone;Nothing unusual of course she had missed the bus thanks to the low life nitpickers of the school. Riot was more known as the pretty girl that never talked and had problems that none knew about. Walking home with no one was actually fun for her only because she got to talk to them. Conversate with them and agree or disagree with no judgement. Being able to escape in her tangled mind was always a wonderful adventure as she would flip a switch and think of anything but this horrible place other wise known as reality . As Riot ran from reality she felt like someone was following her so she stopped and listened,nothing. Well she just went back to her mental vacation as she reached her raged house a little too soon. Going back to the real life Riot opened the door knowing only her abusive stepdad was here;no one else was home though, as her mother was at work and her sister was off to college and Yi(grandma in Thailand) had moved out,leaving you and the devil's son alone. Apparently he heard the door shut and yelled. "Hey,princess would you mind getting me a glass of milk?" He cooed in the fakest voice I've ever heard. Obviously I did mind but to stay on his 'good' side I got the glass of milk and walked into the living room where he sat watching TV like always.He took the glass and drank from it then commenting. "Thanks baby now leave me alone and I'll be getting in the shower shortly."I nodded and walked to my room, immediately thinking of what to do when he gets in the shower.




As I heard the shower faucet come on I knew I had to leave; I grabbed headphones,a charger,peanut butter,a juice,and an umbrella. I shoved it all into a book bag and left. I rode my old bike I've had since I was about 10 being 14 now almost 15. I texted my mom.


(Ri)-Hey going to take a ride on bike meet you home love you<3

At 6;42 p.m. oct. 9 2010

(Ri)-When are you coming home?

At 6:44 p.m. oct. 9 2010

(Momma)-Alright sweetie and I won't get off work until 9;30 so please stay safe and love you too ^3^

At 6:51.p.m oct. 9 2010


Not bothering to text back as there was no need to Riot left. Putting music to her ears she went back to the lovely mind she enjoyed so much. She turned around to see any cars and there was none so she turned around to be met with an unfamiliar male;he seemed to have messy brown hair,dark brown eyes,around 5'9-5'11,kinda buff figure,he wore a black hoodie,old-man shoes,and dark jeans. Riot swerved around him wrecking into the ditch and hitting her head on the pavement,"3...2...1.." A mid 30 year old voice bounced around in her ears before she blacked out.

*End of Flashback*

"And apparently you have been taken out of your mother's care do to her depression..."Those words sent a darkening chill down My back and I shivered a bit before looking at Mimi and smiling."I guess that's ok...I don't have many friends at SouthWestern anyway.."My voice sending a wave of happiness and sadistic savior towards Mimi."Tomorrow we will go pack your things and tell your mother bye." I nodded and she continued, "You will still have visiting times with your mother though." I smiled and nodded my head and picked up my phone. It had 5 unread messages.


{BEN}-Hey you wanna hang out today?

At 9:13 a.m. oct. 10 2010

{Jack}-Are you going to that party the 12th?

At 10:11 p.m. oct. 9 2010

(BEN)-Hey are you ok you always answer..

At 11:47 a.m. oct. 10 2010

(BEN)-Okay,I'm getting worried...

At 3:32 p.m. oct. 10 2010

(Haley)-Are you ok?Ben is freaking out..And so am I...

At 4:21 p.m. oct. 10 2010


(Ri)-Ben I'm fine,if you wanna see me I'm in the KDH Hospital...

At 11:52 a.m. oct. 11 2010

(Ri)-Tell BEN I'm fine please...and I'm fine Hay!

However I'm in KDH Hospital...

At 11:56 a.m. oct. 11 2010

(Ri)-Well I'm not sure I'm in the hospital at the moment but I'm gonna be fine..

At 12:03 a.m. oct. 11 2010


(Riots POV)

Having friends isn't too bad I guess, either way they can chill a bit cause I'm tired and as I began to dose of a knock on the door echoed off the walls of the hospital room...

"Come in."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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