Servant-Chapter 9

Start from the beginning


Helix smiled at Chastity enthusiasm as she interacted with the kids. He knew that she would enjoy this part because she was always excited to watch the servants' kids at the palace before. Not only did she love interacting with the kids, the kids also loved her. This was a good sign. So far, everyone who had met Chastity quickly liked her. Hopefully the rest of the kingdom would as well.

"So what was your reason for coming to the orphanage?" Emily asked Chastity when the kids were called away. It was time for them to wash up for dinner and time for Helix and the rest to leave.

"My mother and I are trying to slowly introduce Chastity to some of the kingdom." Helix answered. "She's been very shy ever since we met and we all agreed this would be the best way to ease her into the public eye."

The four of them, since Issac was also with them, had lost the others as the two queens were speaking to the woman who ran the orphanage and Queen Amilia had ordered Alexa to stay with them.

"Aren't you already used to that?" Emily asked. Chastity shook her head.

"I know that you heard my mother was in an accident, but it was...much more than that. What you never saw when you and your mother visited was my father's bad side. He was a very angry man and that anger was always pushed onto the two of us. My father was furious because my mother went behind his back to do something for me, and this outburst ended up killing her. About three months after I decided to run away. I couldn't take his constant yelling and the beatings anymore, so Anniliese and I talked to some of the older servants and they helped me leave. I ended up here in this kingdom with Helix and his family. I've lived as a maid for most of my life, but with how things are playing out now..." Chastity trailed off. She didn't know how to continue.

"Chastity and I decided to go out, so she started training to be queen. Since her father's actions hurt her confidence and she hasn't lived in the public eye since she arrived, we thought it best to start off small and introduce her slowly." Helix finished for her.

"Is that why your father wouldn't allow us over anymore? So we didn't see what he did to the two of you?" Emily asked. Chastity nodded. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you Chas."

"There's nothing you could have done, Em." She told her friend. "I'm not upset with you in any way."

"I'm glad." Emily said, hugging Chastity. Chastity just smiled and hugged her back. Helix was glad to be here to see this and be with Chastity, but something felt off to him. He just couldn't figure out what it was.


"What was your first daughter's name?" She asked. He looked confused.

"What do you mean? My first daughter is of no concern to you young lady." He answered, a stern tone to his voice.

"Was her name Chastity by any chance?" She asked, pressing for answers.

"I know what you are thinking. My daughter Chastity is dead. The Chastity here has grown up here. There is no way the two are the same person." He answered. "Now, I expect you to be kind and respectful here. No causing drama. We're guests. You can get over your jealousy over the girl."

"I overheard them talking to a girl named Emily at the orphanage. Apparently she and Chastity had been good friends when they were little, but hadn't seen each other for over ten years. Then she proceeded to tell her that she had ran away about three months after her mother died in a mysterious 'accident'" She told him.

"Alexa, leave things be." The king told his daughter. He watched as she huffed and stormed out, but her words stayed with him. His daughter had run away, and for good reason too. The resemblance to his late wife was uncanny, though the eyes reminded him of his father's. What if the young woman who was soon to be the crown princess of the Asteya kingdom?

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