chapter fifteen........epilogue

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Fifteen years later............

Dexter pov........


Yes Allie what is it.

I look up to see my baby girl running down stairs, she's so red in the face it looks like she's going to explode.

Anthony and Andre have pulled all of my clothes off the hangers.

And what did you do to them that they would do such a thing....

I, she was definitely going to lie so I stopped her.

Now before you get to lieing, you know your brothers don't do anything to you unless you did something to them.

She sighed, I may have switched there shower gel with blue hair die.

Allie, why would you do that , because.

I am so fed up with you three, family meeting now I yell just as Alex and Dustin walk in.

Uh oh, what have they done now.

I guess I should stop there and explain what has happened to us in the last fifteen years.

After I healed and got better, we decided that we will wait until after the kids were born to go to our private island and get married.

It was a small wedding with just immediate friends and family. We also decided to stay for a two month honeymoon.

After we returned, Dustin and Alex had a mansion built right in the middle of there lands, that was the last piece of the merger.

There have been mateings left and right, some even tried rejecting, but was later on rejoined because of the bond.

Now here we are fifteen years later, with three very different teenagers with three different personalities, that s been getting on mast nerves.

I will let the three of them explain it to you, I walk over and sit in Alex lap and Dustin pulls my legs across his lap and starts to run them.

So where's the boys.

There probably still in my closet.

And why is that, Alex asks.

Boys, come down here at once Dustin yells.

The come flying down, Anthony first and then Andre followed.

Explain what's going on here, you guys are stressing your papa, and you know the doctor says he can't be stressed while carrying you baby sister.

Allie, explain.

Anthony and andre, pulled all my clothes off my hangers in my closet.

Only because she switched our shower gel to blue die, now our hair is blue.

I chuckled, there hair is indeed blue.

Papa, this is not funny, the boys said together.

I know, I'm sorry.

So why would you do this allie, it's not like you at all, and no lieing.

She looked at her brothers, and they were confused, they have no idea why either.

Um, last week I was talking to kenny, and they ran up telling him I have warts on my back.

I gasped, didn't.

It was a joke papa...we didn't mean anything by it.

Well, now he's not speaking to me, he doesntveben look my way.

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