chapter twelve

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Dexter pov..............

Omg, it's like a truck has rode over my heart. My mate, witch is a vampire is in surgery. He was shot, with a garlic and silver bullet.

How do you get past the pain you are feeling when a third of a whole is fighting for his life.

I never thought in a million years I would be in love with a vampire. Here I am walking in my mate hospital room, with my other mate holding my hand. I can feel his worry radiating off of him too.

I stop and pull him too me, alex, I'm sorry......ive been so caught up in my own misery, I didn't  stop and think how much this affects you too. You are as much his mate as i, I say never leaving eye contact with him.

Thank you baby, I'm grateful for your kind are right, I'm just as scared for our mate, I was just trying to be strong for you.

Well we can be strong for each I say.

Yes we can, now let's go see our mate.

We walk in, and i break down at what I see. If not for Alex I would have fell.

Dustin is encased in a jacket like he's crazy, a stray jacket. His chest has a huge bandage wrapped around him.

Why? Why is he in that thing I scream, causing everyone including Alex to jump.

Baby, calm yoursrlf, I look at Alex wide eyed.

Excuse mw, don't tell me too calm myself. I want fucking answers I shout.

If you will stop telling someone can explain I hear a voice I never heard before.

I turned to see a woman and man walk in. They resemble my dustin, oh god, this is his parents, worse the King and queen of the vampires.

I gasp, oh my so sorry. I say and start crying.

Geese, why did you have to scare him, I hear the woman say. Next thing I know I'm being pulled into a pair of cold arms.

Shhhh, Dexter it's okay. My mean ole husband didn't mean to frighten you, she says.

Now, she pulls me away and wiped the tears........dustin is okay. They had to restrain him. He's in a comatose state. When he wakes he might be in blood lust, we are not sure when he will wake. But we called you two here because if and when he wakes, he might not go through that, but we're be cautious.

I'm sorry, my wolf is on edge....i feel Alex pull me too. Mine too baby. But we have to stay calm for dustin, okay.

I'm sorry I scared you Dexter. My son is going to be pissed at me when he finds out I scared you,

You scared him, let me out of these restraints so I can kill you sir.

Dustin, I whispered..........i was about to run too him but stopped when I saw his fangs out and his eyes are blood red.

Mate, hurt mats, he kept saying.

Shit, now look what you done Reginald.

Wgat, I didn't do it. I walked over to Dustin slowly, I felt Alex next to me. Dustin is flailing and screaming to get out.

You two be careful.

Shh, I hissed. He want hurt us....were his mate's.

I put my hand on his face same as alex.....its like a bulb went off in his head, he oh stopped struggling and closed his eyes....he breathed in and out until his breathing leveled

He then began whimpered and began rubbing his face on both our hands..

Alex, Dexter, he whispered. He opened his eyes and they were back to normal.

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