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I grabbed out my lipstick from my purse as I waited for my mom while she talked to an old friend

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I grabbed out my lipstick from my purse as I waited for my mom while she talked to an old friend. I looked in my car mirror and reapplied, making my lips look red, and plump.

"I can't believe that's Storm, and Axel? He's seven already?! my God has time passed." I heard my moms friend say as I sat back in the car playing with the stations. They bumped into each other at the grocery store, right when we got out, she was about to go in. Mom told me to put all the groceries in the trunk, and I did.

"I know, they grow so fast, but what about Jonathan? How is he? Sixteen right?" My mom asked.

"Nope, eighteen, he's going off to college this year, it's scary." I heard the lady say back.

"That's crazy! I can't believe that."

"Neither can I Cassandra."

"Well Lori, it was good seeing you, but I gotta get home, but are you staying up here this summer?" My mom asked.

"Yup, me, Jonathan and Billy, we're renting a lake house." she smiled and waved bye to me. I waved back to her as my mom went to embrace her for a hug.

"Maybe one day we can do something as a family, or even stay with us! I'd be nice to hang around all of you, it's been so long!" Lori also added, that's what my mom called her so I'm guessing that's her name.

"Alright, I'll call you, you still have my house phone number right?" My mom asked.

"Yup! I got it, okay, see you later Sandra." Lori said as they separated from each other finally. My mom walked to the car and looked at me.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"We use to be neighbors before you where born, but they moved away." she said as we drove out the parking lot of 'Food international'.

"Oh." I replied back as I looked out the window. When we got home I helped Mom with the groceries, and so did Axel- my shit head brother.

"Mom you got coco puffs?!" He took a pause scrabbling for his favorite thing in the whole world. "Yes!" Axel said as he looked through the bags and took the whole box while he walked off with it.

"Axel! Hey, get back here-" my mom yelled but I cut her off.

"Just let it go, you know he isn't gonna give it back." she shook her head as we both laughed at how much of a brat he is, but in all honesty, he's a sweetheart. He never rats on me.

"Hi Honeys!" My dad said as he kissed the top of my head than pecked my moms lips.

"Hello father." I said grabbing my apple juice and twix bar running up to my room.

I sat on my bed coloring in my brothers coloring book and took sips of my juice here and there. I couldn't draw for absolute shit, so coloring was the next best thing.

I heard a knock at my window I slammed the coloring book shut as I ran over to it.

I opened up my window and saw my very cute boyfriend, Ilan.

"When are you ever gonna let me spend the night?" He asked getting in as I kissed his cheek.

"Ilan Mitchell Smith, do you seriously think I'm going to let you spend the night in my house? Your cute." I said as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Well, what if I bribe you?" He smirked.

"Oh yeah? What kind of bribe?" I said wiggling my eyebrows. He came over to me and kissed me hard. I grabbed his neck as we stumbled to my closet and he released from our kiss, we we're both out of breath.

"That wasn't a very good bribe Ilan." I said laughing as he playfully made faces at me.

"That wasn't the bribe, but this is." He said as he held out a necklace I've been dying for. It was a white lace chocker with a gold sun connecting to the white lace.

"Ilan, you know I can't accept this, I don't like gifts, you know how it makes me feel!" I said truthfully, but I really loved that necklace. I bit my lip as he took my hand.

"No, you are accepting this, because it'd look so beautiful around you're neck. Plus, I don't care if I can't spend the night with you, I was just joking, but you know, if your down for it than-" he smirked as I playfully threw him on my bed and got on him pinning his hands down.

"God your such a loser." I said as I kissed him and he smiled.

"Honey!" My mom said knocking on my door. Fuck.

"Oh shit, hide in the closet!" I whispered. He nodded and hid. Once he was done, I opened my door and saw my mom smiling.

"Yes mom?" I said as I started to sweat.

"Pack your backs Storm, we're going to the Brandis's lake house tomorrow morning!" She said excited. I was just the opposite.

"Mom, summer just started four days ago, I wanna spend time with my friends, how long are we staying?" I asked a little upset. I wanted to spend time with Ilan.

"One month, but when we come back, you'll still have lots of time to spend it with your friends!" She smiled and kissed my nose. I crossed my arms as she walked out and shut the door. Ilan came out and sat by me on my bed.

"That sucks Storm." He said as I looked over at him.

"You can spend the night." I said with an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

First chapter was such a bore, I promise that my next up coming chapters are good. And also, I'm gonna try to update a lot!!

Plus I'm a lazy crap, so expect a lot of errors, sorry.

–Much love, stay thirsty.

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