"Well i was too embarrassed to ask you.. or even tell you."

Looking at her i see a lonely woman. A dead husband and an adult daughter gone all the time.

How could i have been so blind my mother has grieved so long she's forgotten what it feels like to be loved by a man... to be flirted with.. to get up hours early getting ready for a later date.

My mom is standing there unsure how to proceed but i know what to say.

"You look beautiful mom." I say in a sweet voice

"Blind Dating Lunch!" She blurts out.

"Well that's great mom you're gonna be the most sought after mama there." I wink laughing to myself.

She perks up and with a confident hair flip she starts practicing her Naomi Campbell cat walk.

Outside a car horn honks twice, my mom straightens up "Well that must be him!" She says racing to the door .

The butterflies are instantly back and i grab my purse and follow her out the door my heart racing as i walk out to his car unsure of what to say.

He's standing across the street talking to Mr Elks, a sweet old widower that i rarely see without a cane. He begins to walk Mr Elks over to his car our eyes finally meeting.

He helps Mr Elks into the back seat and cat calls at my mom who turns beet read.

"Excuse me ladies." He says in a flirty voice walking over to us.

" Could you tell your mother her chauffer is here. " he laughs winking at my mom.

"Jaxton Ropes you are phenomenal you charmer you!" She says still blushing.

I haven't seen mom so confident with herself in a long time im so grateful for his kindness.

He looks good today not that he ever looks anything less than perfect.

He's wearing a white button down with his sleeves rolled up half way and black beans . How did i not notice the tattoos? He's got what seems to be two half sleeves at the least.

"I'll quit teasing ya , you ready to go?" He asks his gaze on my mother.

Feeling a little ignored i decide to include myself in the conversation as well as the outing.

"I thought there was a meeting this morning." I say

Not even looking in my general direction he replies "There is but its postponed until i return."

"Soo we all just sit around waiting for you to get back?" I snap.

This time he looks me directly in the eyes and says "You can join us if its that big of a deal."

I roll my eyes "No thank you."

My mom sensing the tension grabs my hand and begs

" Oh come on we are SINGLE ladies let's have some fun!"

Way to go mom she is full of surprises today, she knew i wanted to go.

I say with a yawn " I don't know maybe I should just nap or something.

Jaxton rolls his eyes at me and mutters "You going to go do that?"

Dissatisfied with his attitude i scowl at him which makes him smile. Finally.

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