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I frowned when I saw the note on my door when I was leaving for the Cullen's house. It was from Trevor, saying he wanted to see me tonight. I felt like I had no way to get out of it, and I wasn't looking forward to it. 

When I showed Edward, he was not happy. "You're not going back home tonight. You're staying here, with me."

"Edward, as much as I'd like to, I'm not going to hide from him."

"Then I'll go with you," Edward growled. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Suit yourself." I was secretly happy though, we'd be spending our first night together. It would be great.

"You don't mind, do you?" Edward asked me.

Seriously? "Oh, no. I don't mind at all."

Edward smiled at me, and we both turned our heads at the sound of Alice and Rosalie coming down the stairs. 

"Emmett will be down soon, he's trying to get Jasper to go with you guys," Rosalie told Edward.

"He'll never go," Edward said.

Alice shrugged. "He might this time since I'm going with the girls tonight."

"Then I should go and try to persuade him, too," Edward said, giving me one more smile before going up the stairs.

"I see things are going good with you two," Rosalie said to me.

"They are," I said.

"I'm glad he gave up on Bella," Rosalie said. "She's a nice girl, but I just don't think she's right for Edward."

I looked at Rosalie. "Well, Jacob seems to be doing her good."

"I suppose so," Rosalie said, making a disgusted face.

"I don't know. There's something about her that I just can't help but feel like she was meant to be a vampire," Alice said.

"That's just because you had a vision of her as a vampire," Rosalie told her.

Alice shot her a look. "Have you seen her? She's vampire material, and she's a shield."

"We have someone who's better than a shield right here," Rosalie pointed to me.

"I know," Alice said, looking at me. "I mean, you're right."

Rosalie shook her head at Alice. "We don't even know what Audrey is truly capable of, she could be more powerful than what you imagine Bella to be."

"Possibly," Alice murmured.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Are we ready to hunt, or not? This conversation is boring me."

"I'm ready," Rosalie said.

"So am I," Alice said, and we were off.

"How did it go?" Edward asked me when we got back.

I smiled at him. "I never knew mountain lion could be so good. How did it go with you guys?"

"It was a short trip," Edward said with a shrug. "Nothing new, really."

"You know, Alice seems to think that Bella should be a vampire," I told him.

"I know." Edward nodded his head. "Some people are meant to be a vampire, and she may be one of those people, but it won't be because of me. I want you, I'm happy with you."

"I'm happy with you, too," I said, then thought for a moment. "Does this mean we're dating?"

"Dating? We're together," Edward said with a laugh. "No need to put a label on us, we're not humans."

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