way to work

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5am! hear my alarm buzz!! Woke up to a next bz day at work again .
Well today was gonna be special I was gonna meet someone I die to see everyday.

If only I could have him in my arms
As I make my way to work, he pulls up right infront of me
hop in he said with a sweet sexy grin on his face . As I stepped in he watched me with a blush and I just couldn't help but blushed bk and I started to laugh .

He stopped the car and held my hand ,he turned and watched me literally just staring directly in my eyes ,watching me with love. wanting to say something ! With that look it had me really nervous .

He came a little closer and placed his lips against mines ( I was just like omg in my mind wat just happened)
I could feel the heat between us.

OK guys with all my heart is other story from nightmare in real
It's just like a collection of stories in a box if u check in the table of contents you'll see

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