The Angel That Saved Me.

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The sky has gone grey and there is no sound. In the woods the birds don't chirp and no animals move. My house sits on a hill with no trees. I have five acres of land, but I have no use for it. My mother has no job and my brother, William, never helps me out with anything. I feel doom has come and will never go away.                                     

Yesterday the mail came with a letter saying the house was going to be taken away if not paid within a month. I keep thinking about what is going to happen to us since we don't have that much.                                        

         Today, at school I was so clumsy; I had my lunch split all over me and the people laughed. I didn't go to the office, I ran home. I would of drove, but Mom has the only car. I usually ride the bus back and forth to school. When I got home Mom was gone, must have been out doing her "errands”. I know she goes to Tom's, her boyfriend, to get some "meds". It is what she calls it. I think she is ashamed to admit that she does drugs. Three hours later William came home. Being 12 years old he still doesn't know how to put up his stuff, he just lays it wherever he pleases. I stop fighting him with about months ago, it wasn't worth it. I cleaned the house and made dinner, then Mom came home yelling about we eat too much when there was nothing to eat.

Now, sitting here on the porch I feel hopeless and bored. I decided to get up, and go for a walk down to my favorite spot down by the pond across the road. It’s November, a little chilly and I didn't bring a jacket, but I don't care. I don't want to go home and face my worries.

  How? How could I let this happen? I wish I could go back in time when Dad was still alive. Wishing he came from the war alive and be a happy family again, but that is never going to happen. After the funeral last year is when all the issues started. Mom could not pay the bills from the loss of Dad's income and she start to drink, then she met Tom. If we just had money to back on our feet again we would have less issues and Mom would be happy again.

       Coming back to reality I hear a car come up from behind me. I look back and I see a dark green truck. It is Tom, I start to walk faster.

 "Hey, you’re Caroline. You are Crystal's daughter. Why don't you hop in and I will give you lift home." he said will a sly smile on his face. A bad feeling comes over me, and I keep on walking. 

 "Oh come on hop in, I won't hurt you" he says acting all smooth. I shake my head. There was an opening in the fence line a few feet away that went off into the woods. The wires of the fence line were torn, but big enough to get though. If I had any chance to get way from this creep I would have to run.

One. Two. Three. I run at a full sprint going through the wires barely making it from getting a huge scratch. Looking back I see Tom getting out of his truck. Up ahead I see a house up on a hill, it’s big and white like back from the 1800s with a barn of to the side in a pasture. Tom is right on my trail, but is slowing down. I run up the hill, about half way I look back and his image start to disappear. I slow down and begin to walk. There is no way he could catch me now.      

 The sky is turning black, and the wind has picked up. I am starting to regret not wearing a jacket and it looks like it’s about to rain. On the edge of the property I start to walk to the barn. I will hide in here until morning when the storm passes through. I open the barn door, and see straw bales stacked for storage this winter on the right side of the barn and on the left I see stalls. Only 3 horses are in here, and they don't see me yet. I quietly sneak through the door trying to not to make a sound to not get caught. Unfortunately they saw me and start to fuss around making noise. I walk over to one and he comes to me and I start to brush my fingers across its long neck and to its nose.  The horse calm and content I walk away. Since I will be staying here, I look for a soft spot to lie down. Eyeing a straw bale in the corner of the barn I sit down. Tiredness sinks in and I rest my head on the wall.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2012 ⏰

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