When Dreams Become Reality

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The warmth of the day was dying as the sun set behind the massive pine trees near the mansion. As Juri opened her eyes, she glanced outside. It was beautiful...even though the place she lived was cold, there were things like the sun that made her happy to still be alive. She had forgotten to keep track of the days she had been here and instead, grew to accept her fate. Any question she asked before was met with a "You don't need to know that." or even better, "How should I know?". It frustrated her in the beginning but instead of being ungrateful, she thanked god that she had a roof over her head and food to eat. Though she believed this to be a test of her faith, she endured. Had someone told her vampires were real before this all began she would have doubted their sanity. However...now she'd keep her mouth shut. It was true, for now she lived with six of them.

Savoring the feel of her bed, Juri sighed as she got up and began to get ready. Her small feet padded over the her vanity table to grab her brush and as she combed out the tangles in her long hair, she took notice of the dark circles under her eyes. Her normally pearl colored skin looked pasty and sickly in stark comparison. Lately, she hadn't been able to sleep and it was becoming a bother. Her dreams had recently been plagued by a certain vampire and she did her best to stay in perfect health in order to not anger Reiji but, maybe all the blood loss was finally getting to her. When she first arrived at the Sakamaki mansion, she had happened upon a young red headed boy asleep on a low couch. Her mind recalled the moment as if it were just yesterday. She remembered thinking how stunning he looked even though the signs were clear that he was a delinquent. When he had awoken to discover her, he had claimed her despite her displeasure at the time. That day had been the beginning for them and since, she had grown close to him. She studied him, watched him when she knew he wasn't looking, took all his abuse and more..it was almost as if-

Juri had stopped brushing her hair as she thought of him and when she looked back at the mirror she saw that she had begun to blush. Flustered, she quickly set the brush down and went over to the dresser to get her uniform. Puling on the string of her nightgown, it fell down her thin frame and pooled around her feet. She focused on slipping each piece of clothing on, taking care not to miss any detail and when she was done, she went back over to the mirror to look at herself. Her cloudy red eyes scanned herself for any imperfections and when she looked back at her face it held some color left from her blush. She sighed and reached down to grab the white ribbon she used for her hair. In moments, it was styled into its usual loose braid with the ribbon at the bottom made into a bow. When Juri glanced at the clock she saw that it was almost time to go so she quickly went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she stepped inside the room she made quick work of brushing them and made it back to her room in record time. Just as she was about to sit back down, Ayato appeared before her.

"Hey there, pancake." He said, his signature smirk splayed on his lips.

Juri gasped and a hand flew to her heart. "Oh!" She breathed.

The red head was leaned against the bedpost in his usual attire. His green eyes were full of amusement as he listened to her heart slow back down.

"Ayato-sama, please don't scare me like that.." She said softly.

Normally he'd be all over her, instantly saying that she didn't order him around but, it stunned him that she just called him Ayato-sama. He knew she had been acting strangely for the past few days but this was out of character for her. Even so, it pleased him to hear her call him that.

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