The Party

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A strobe light illumined the dance floor in the center of the room and multicolored orbs hung around the edges, where tables were set to eat at. The french doors that led out to the gardens were open, and I could tell that was where the adults would probably spend most of there time. I stared in a state of shock.

A room that is normally for formal occasions has been completely transformed to a legitimate night club.

Jenna and my mom did an amazing job.

The room is packed. It seems that everyone who was invited showed up. Not that I thought they wouldn't. It is rude to turn down an Alpha's invitation without valid excuse.

It is times like these that the heightened sense of smell that comes with being a werewolf is annoying. The smell of everyone mixed with their sweat from dancing leaves a musk that has my nose wrinkle before getting used to it.

"Do you like it?" Jenna had a huge grin on her face, but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes.

"I love it Jenna! Thank you so much!" I squealed over the music and threw my arms around her. I couldn't contain my bounce in excitement.

"Can I have everyone's attention please." My father's loud voice echoed around the room. Instantly, the music was shut off and all eyes were on him.

He stood at the front of the room wearing black dress pants and a dark blue button down shirt tucked into it. His blonde hair was combed back and the eyes I got from him scanned around the room in approval.

My mother was at his side, arm hung loosely around his. She had her hair styled with a braided crown that hung around her loosely curled auburn hair. Her dress haltered around her neck and was a sweetheart neckline, that flowed from her waist just past her knees. It was the same dark blue as my fathers shirt.

Talk about relationship goals Rose laughed

A giggle escaped my lips before we refocused on my parents.

"I would first like to thank you all for coming to celebrate my beautiful daughters eighteenth birthday" Cheers erupted from the pack and a slight blush crept to my cheeks.

"Aspen, please come up here sweetheart" My mothers soft voice called through the room. Don't let the softness foul you though, piss her off and you may need to call an exorcist.

Without even having to utter a single word, the crowd parted, leaving me a clear pathway to my parents. Their loving smile calling me forward. I thanked some of the pack members as I passed them and they all bowed their heads in respect.

"Secondly, Now that she is of age to find her mate, if he is here tonight I want to say this: Even though there is an entire pack that will willingly fight for my daughter, they will not need to. If she is ever hurt by her mate. He will never have pups again and that is assuming he returns from our walk in the woods." My mother slaps him lightly on the chest as I roll my eyes. Of course, my father being who he is just chuckles.

Maybe I was imagining it but I would swear I heard every male wolf gulp at the exact same time. I scanned the faces hoping one would jump out at me, but no luck. I tried to distinguish any overwhelming scent but again nothing.

I guess it is possible that my mate isn't here tonight. A small wave of sadness washes through me at the thought. I lift my head up higher. I will not let it stop me from enjoying my birthday. I feel my fathers arm wrap around my shoulder before he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Happy birthday, munchkin" he whispered to me as my mother came over to kiss my cheek "Now let's party!" His loud voice echoed off the walls and was soon lost to the music that filled the speakers.

Jenna was at my side in a minute followed by some of the other girls in our group. We all laughed as we made our way to the dance floor. The ones that had mates started dancing and grinding with them, which surprised me as most of our parents were here. I guess everyone just understood how mates worked.

I noticed a pair of arms wrap themselves around Jenna, and a love struck look crossed her face that mirrored Ian's as he kissed her cheek.

"Happy Birthday, Penny" I smiled at the nickname. He reached around and gave me a quick hug. His short dark hair was tousled nicely and he was wearing dark jeans with a white button down.

"Thanks Ian. Do you own another tie?" I giggled as I noticed that he wore the same blue tie when he accepted the role of Beta Male.

Normally it would just be the role of Beta, but Jenna and I had it planned out since we were ten. She would be my Beta and her mate would be Beta to my mate. I was worried her mate would have his own title in another pack, that would take her away from me. I was selfishly excited when the head warriors son turned out to be her mate.

He went to ruffle my hair like he always does, but Jenna swatted his hands away.

"Unless you want to sleep on the couch, with an angry mate in your bed, I suggest you not mess up my master piece!" Jenna scowled at Ian, but he immediately dropped his hand, knowing she was serious.

The look on Ian's face was priceless and I resisted the urge to hysterically laugh. Out of nowhere my wolf became a little agitated.

What's wrong with you? I asked.

I don't know - I feel like we have had cold water poured over us. You don't feel it?

No  I responded.

"Wait. Does anybody else smell that?" It smelt sweet, like chocolate but as soon as I mentioned it, the smell faded.

I didn't have time to think more about it before a warm hand wrapped around my wrist, shocking me in the process. I turned quickly and faced the owner of the hand.

Immediately, my eyes are met with a pair of dark, almost black eyes.

"Mine" He growled.

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