hello old friend

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jumin arrived at Vs apartment around 5 minutes early, as he rang the door bell,"coming....just a sec" a familiar voice from behind the door said in a strangely quiet voice. there was the sound of a few bumps and quiet mumbling from beyond the door, as the door creaked open.

infront of jumin stood a frail and weak looking V. his hair lost its vibrant blue color, his skin turned a sickly pale pink as he had dark grey circles under his pale grey eyes. before jumin stood what once was his cheerful and positive friend now is just a tired and broken looking man. jumin stayed silent as he just observed him.

"uhm...jumin...? its you right?" jumin snapped back to reality as he heard Vs weak sounding voice "y-yes...its me""oh! good , come in then " v said in an overly cheerful sounding voice, obviously trying to mask the way he was feeling. jumin quietly walked in, still glancing at him from time to time."...yeah...youre far from 'fine'...." jumin mumbled quietly, v closed the dooras he akwardly stands infront of it "its been a while since ...that day hasent it..."v said with a soft smile on his face "what...happened to you?" jumin asked , still staring him down "what do you mean...?""you look like a shadow of your former self...you look so frail...have you even eaten in days?" v stood there quiet , rudding the back of his head as jumin crossed his arms dissapointed.

jumin started dragging V to his kitchen " jumin..." "no, no complaining. first you eat then we talk." v sighed as they arrived in the small kitchen , v stood in the doorway quiet  as he heard jumin searching for something for him to eat. jumin wipped up a quick sandwich and handed it to V "eat" jumin commanded as he untied his tie, as it was warm in Vs house. v reluctantly started eating as he didnt want to anger his friend.

after v finished jumin lead him to the living room and sat him on the couch, jumin sat on the coffee table infront of him "so....tell me how you've really been these past months..." " i told you ive been fi-" jumin cut v off " no you've not, you lost the one person you loved the most...so tell me the truth" v sighed as he hung his head down "ok..."

((sorry if the chapters are short and crappy ;3; im trying ~and failing~ at actually writing something decent))

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