‘’Ms. Hart,’’ He starts off with a bow, turning to her by with only the heel of his feet. ‘’Would you do me the great honor of accompanying me to the semi-formal festivities?’’

‘’No,’’ She drags, more than proving the point of this short performance.

‘’Etiquette,’’ They spoke before reaching out to hold a hand and bowing to their audience, or in this case, their classmates. ‘’Thank you.’’

‘’We’ll see you at the holidays for, A Christmas No.’’

Ryan giggles softly as the two went back to their seats.

‘’Okay,’’ Corey chuckles while reaching for a unfamiliar object on his desk. ‘’So, the school board sent me this film. It’s called, ‘He Asked Me, He Asked Me, He Really Asked Me’.’’

‘’This is suppose to teach us how to act at the dance?’’ Lucas questions.

‘’They sent it, I’m showing it, your animals.’’

‘’Because I’m sure that makes sense,’’ Ryan remarks.

‘’Oh,’’ Riley turns to face Lucas. ‘’There’s a dance and you’re planning to attend this dance that you never mentioned in my general facility, that dance?’’

‘’Well, actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.-’’

‘’Go on.’’

Corey returned to the front and made a small noise towards his child. ‘’Pst. Talk after class.’’

‘’Have you no sense of anything?’’ She exclaims.

‘’Nope,’’ He grins. ‘’Let’s watch.’’

Mr. Matthews began walking to the back of the room and makes an audible observation. ‘’Oh, what’s this here? Well, enjoy the old time picture show.’’

He switched the projector on and soon enough, the film began playing a young boy dressed in a tux, in the front dark classroom.

‘’Well, if it isn’t our old friend, Billy,’’ the narrator spoke.

Billy waved to the camera.

‘’Last time we saw you, Billy, you were teaching us that our body goes through strange, horrifying changes.’’

Billy gagged with disgust to exaggerate the narrator's point.

‘’But today, we’re here to talk the biggest night of a young person's life; the semi- formal. Billy’s been looking forward to it all year. Isn’t that right, Billy?’’

Billy started dancing that only caused the most ultimate cringe across Ryan’s features.

‘’Woah, woah, woah, slow down, Billy,’’ The narrator spoke again. ‘’Because you know who hangs out at dances? Your old friends Polio Ty Boy, the devil.’’

‘’He’s mean’’ Billy pouts.

Ryan couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as the film continued.

‘’Now let’s meet, your best gal, Sally. Who, since you’re a gentleman, you asked to the dance at least ten months in advance.’’

Ryan furrows her brows, switching her gaze over to Riley who violently turned to look at Maya and Ryan. ‘’Billy gets it.’’

‘’Billy’s dead and all of his friends are dead too,’’ Maya flatly told her. ‘’Except one. No, wait, now he’s dead too.’’

Ryan tilts her head to the side and brought up and hand and begin to count off the friends Billy had.

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