Chapter: Two

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You woke from yet another dream. Turning your head towards your alarm clock, you saw the time flicker to a new minute.

You groaned and took your pillow from beneath you and tried to use it to smother yourself.

It had been several weeks since your first and last encounter with the demigod known as Loki, and you found all your thoughts captivated with the image of him, the sound of his voice, anything related to him.

Sitting up, you threw the pillow to the side.
As you leaned against the headboard and part of the wall, you found yourself tugging on your lips, just as Loki had that day.

"Ugh!" You shouted to no one as you flung your hand away from your face. Leaning your head against the wall, you sighed, staring at the ceiling. Despair gripped your heart. You felt as though you were growing soft. Your heart ached fondly at the thought of this Asgardian, and you found yourself blushing at the thought of him. It was as though you were under a spell.

"S.H.E.I.L.D. agents aren't meant to feel like this," You whispered shakily, "Why do I?" Moaning, you rested your palm against your forehead. Perhaps you were simply sick. You shuffled back to a laying position and closed your eyes, willing sleep to wash over you and heal you.

After what seemed like hours, you woke up to find yourself pinned beneath someone. Looking up, you looked into the eyes of the very demigod who haunted your mind. "Loki," You growled angrily. You tried to move, but despite all your best efforts, you found yourself unable. His hands were not touching you, so you knew he was using magical restraints. He moved his hand to your face, his thumb tracing your jaw line.

"I can tell you've missed me, (Y/n)." He leaned in close, his lips by your ear, "I was planning to wait until we were forced to meet again, but clearly that is not what you want."

You thrashed around as best as you could. Loki removed himself from you before releasing the restraints. You hadn't realized they were lifted until he offered a hand and you were able to take it. Looking around, you realized you were no longer in your room.
"You're a user of magic, you could easily be doing this to me. Making me think of you to try and weaken me." You defiantly stated, your tone leaving no hint of anger out. His smile taunted you, mocked you, and yet, you found yourself grow excited at the sight of it, "Oh, but I am the one who is weak, remember?"

"You could have healed," You spoke, your voice rigid. His arms grabbed you from behind before you could realize he had disappeared from your sight. "That may be, but surely I am not the one who remembers this pose so fondly, not like you."
You were livid. Or were you? You found yourself to be relaxed in his grasp, and yet, you knew you shouldn't be."What is this trickery?" You grumbled.

"And I am not the one who will enjoy this," His lips moved closer to your ear. "Well, I will, but not as much as you, (Y/n)." You shivered, eyes wide, as his tongue worked from your earlobe to the top of your ear, flicking off once it got there. "Wh-what?" You whispered, your voice shaking. Loki turned you so that your face was in the same direction as his. He leaned down, your lips not an inch away from his.

"Until next time, (Y/n). Don't forget to think of me while I'm gone." His breath cascaded across your lips.
You blinked as he left without a word. You could still feel his arms around yours, his embrace.


You jolted up in your bed.
"It. . .It was just a dream." You panted, clutching the sheets. "No, it was just a nightmare," You finished, breathing heavily as the dreams' details lingered in your mind.

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