The Meeting

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The day of the Make A Wish meeting was extremely hectic. My parents were rushing around, making sure everything was in tip top shape. They forced me to wear a pink sweater, and black leggings. I usually wear a crop top with leggings, and did not enjoy the itchy sweather.

My dad made me reread his script about thirty times. I was to ask for a trip to the Gulf Shores, and a trip to Bora Bora. I can't even do anything in Bora Bora!

The representative for Make A Wish was a nice, middle-aged woman. She sat across from me, and started talking to me.

"You must be Alexis. My name is Mary, it is a pleasure to meet you," she said, offering me her hand. I shook it.
"You as well," I say back, trying to sound professional.
"Now, when were you diagnosed with your disease?"
"I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when I was eleven. I am fourteen now."
"I am so sorry that this happened to you, and my team at Make A Wish want to do anything we can to make you happy." She smiled a warm smile at me now, waiting for my response. I looked at my dad, who wore a smirk. He gave me a look, as if annoyed that I hadn't responded yet. My heart rate got faster, and I didn't know what to ask for. Should I get my dad's dream, or my dream?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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