I Was Taken

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The wind blew through my brown hair, it whistled in my ear as if wanting to tell a secret,  with my dagger in hand I climbed a tree. I saw from my perch a boy with icy blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles, I jumped down throwing my bag to the ground. I cartwheeled to him and threw my dagger, pinning him against a tree, breathing hard he pulls himself away and we wrestle on the ground for a bit. He suddenly tilts his head and gasps " Ember Violet Wills, I should have known, the daughter of the famous traitor, Violet Rose Wells, shame you were given her name as a middle name" he scoffed and grabbed his pack, he was about to walk away when Rashkma, my husky, growled at him. He backed away, I walked towards him when a net came over me, I yelled and suddenly everything went black.
I woke up in a room, I was wearing a white nightgown. I clutched the sheets of the bed, wait- bed!? I knew where I was, I was in the Striking Room, where you're struck. I gulped, feeling pale I lay down, I suddenly saw the horrible nurse. After she left I saw a thin, pale girl, leaning against an old rocking horse, she looked to be a bit younger than me. Little did I know, she would change everything.

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