Chapter 1: Anna

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My alarm clock went off at 6:00 again, I forced myself to get out of my warm comfy bed because it's December 1st! It's my birthday and my friends said that they plan something for me. I am so excited! I put on my white dress with a black long sleeves cover up, black tights, and put on black converse. I put my blonde hair in a braid to my left side.

     I started to walk downstairs smelling the pancakes and bacon mixed together but I always smell the bacon first. As I walk in the kitchen i see note that my Dad probably left.

Happy birthday sweetheart. I am trying to get out of work so we can celebrate your birthday! If they say no then we can celebrate tomorrow at least. Have a great day!
~Love Dad

I smiled and grabbed my food that my dad cooked for me before he left for work. It smells like pancakes and bacon. A good start to a good day. I saw the food on a plate in the kitchen but  I was going to miss my bus because how long  it took to get ready. I grabbed a ziplock bag and put my bacon and half of a pancake inside. As I ran outside I quickly grabbed my backpack.

     "Just on time." I said as the bus drives up. "Wait shit my phone! Where's Ashley when you need her." I laughed as I got onto the bus. "Good morning Miss Anna," said the bus driver. "Good morning." I saw that Rachel was on the bus. "Rachel!" I yelled. "Hey Anna, hoe are you?" I get down next to her and the bus started to move. "May I borrow your phone for a sec?" "Sure," Rachel handed me her phone.

I memorized Ashley's number just in case something like this happens. I text Ashley...

Anna-"I forgot my phone Ashley!"
She quickly respond.
Ashley-"Is this Anna?"
Ashley-"Alright, I'll get your phone but I might be late."
Anna-"Ok see you later."
It took a long time for Ashley to respond but she respond.
Ashley-"C ya."

I gave Rachel her phone back and open my breakfast. "You texted Ashley to get your phone?" I looked at Rachel seeing her looking at her phone. "Yeah" "But I thought she doesn't have a ride." Rachel was confused. "She wants to get out of that hellhole that is called school." Ashley HATES school because of the teachers and people that are there. Now if I was in her classes maybe she'll be a little bit happier.

I live kinda of close to the school but I would be late to class if I tried to get my phone. I sighed as I look at the white memorizing snows I spaced out so much I didn't what was happening, everyone is off the bus even Rachel and she was on the window side! "WAIT!" I shoot up and yelled as the bus started to move. The bus driver hit the breaks jerking me front then backwards quickly.

     "OH ANNA YOU SCARED ME!" She yelled, "ARE YOU OK?" I stand back up trying to gain my balance. "Yeah I'm fine... Sorry that I yelled though. I didn't mean to scare you." I said as I finally got my balance back. "It's alright love! Just make sure to pay attention a little bit more ok?" "Ok." I got of the bus and started walking to the school like normal.

     *Time skip because I am lazy*

     It was lunchtime now and I was looking around for Ashley but she was no where to be seen. She would have shown up by now. I thought. I grabbed my chips that I bought and put it in my backpack. Where could she have gone? As I walked out of the lunch room I got stopped by the security guard.

     "And where do you think you are going?" He said to me rudely. I hate the security guards here. Yeah the are here to make sure everything thing is going good but do they really have to question EVERYTHING? "I am going to the bathroom." I said while walking towards the bathroom not caring about them.

     As I entered the bathroom I hear a soft crying. Trying to figure out where this source is coming from I see a pair of converse on the tiles of the bathroom floor. I go to knock but the door swung open before I even could knock. "Ashley!?" I panicked seeing her with a bloody nose. "What's wrong?! Who did this?!"

     "No one. Trust me. It's just my allergies." She says very weakly. "Well now that's a fucking lie." We both laughed but she sounded out of breath of just doing that. "Should I go get someone to help yo-" "Don't" she said with anger and fear in her eyes. I understand quickly why she doesn't what anyone get involved.

"You don't what them to find out... don't you?"

     Silence was all I got. Her face was blank. No emotion. I shouldn't have ask... I thought realizing my mistake. After sometime I got a answer finally. "Yeah... that's exactly why." She said looking down at the ground. She used a paper towel to stop as much bleeding as possible from her nose.

The bell rang.

     "Lunch is over." Ashley said emotionless. "Here's your phone." She slide it a cross the little table in front of the mirror and sink. I caught the phone before it dropped on the floor and then looked at Ashley. Ashley, smiled at me then went back to fixing the bloody nose. I walk out of the bathroom with a smile and went to my next class.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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