Start from the beginning

"That's definitely something different..." Fred nodded.

"So, you'll help me?" Zoe questioned, scratching her lip.


Zoe grinned. She nodded and pushed herself up to go have a word with Harry and Ron. The pair were hopelessly studying around a table in the common room. It seemed to be harder for them now without Hermione's notes or the girl reminding them to do the homework.

"Could you say something to Hagrid so he would go to the Three Broom Sticks and not come back until midnight on Thursday if I'll try something that could possibly get Buckbeak released of the charges?"

Harry and Ron both looked at her in a mix of curiosity and confusion.

"What-" Ron started.

"You don't want to know... trust me, the less you know is better." Zoe shook her head, her black hair moving along the movement.


Lessons started again next day. The last thing anyone felt like doing was spending two hours in the grounds on a raw January morning, but Hagrid had provided a bonfire full of salamanders for their enjoyment. They spent an unusually good lesson collecting dry wood and leaves to keep the fire blazing, while the flame-loving lizards scampered up and down the burning, white-hot logs. During it Harry and Ron went to talk with Hagrid about going to the Three Broomsticks on Thursday, no questions asked. Hagrid did look confused but then he seemed to sniff and nod, thinking about Buckbeak the Hippogriff. Harry and Ron patted him on the back where they could reach and gave Zoe a thumbs up.

The girl felt slightly thrilled of her risky plan now being in motion. She walked over to Draco and Blaise with a crooked grin. She hadn't forgotten Draco had never told her that her father had betrayed Harry's parents and he had known, but she would ask him about it later.

"Could you meet me on Thursday after dinner in the Entrance Hall?" Zoe asked with a casual tone.

They exchanged a look, doubting.


"Trust me, it's worth it." Zoe promised, looking now serious and sincere. This seemed to convince them slightly as they had almost never seen her serious.

"Fine." Blaise said slowly, though raising his brows at her behavior.

"Wicked. I'll see you then."


Zoe was absentmindedly fiddling with her fingers, feeling impatient when waiting in the Entrance Hall for Draco and Blaise on Thursday evening. She had barely eaten anything due to the funny feeling of knots in her stomach. Although, it wasn't anything special or new. She was quite used to having the feeling even though she was quite relaxed and eased most of the time.

"So, you know what you'll do?" she questioned Fred, George and Lee, who were all still standing next to her calmly.

They all rolled their eyes in an obvious manner: the three were going to create a distraction in the castle.

"Zoe, we do." Lee said, taking a hold of her shoulders.

"Mates..." George trailed off, gesturing with his gaze the two Slytherin boys were exiting the Great Hall.

"Well, happy behaving!" Fred wished, winking his eye as they turned to leave when they saw Draco and Blaise approaching.

"Later, guys." Zoe huffed, amused. She waited for the two boys to be closer until she greeted them, "Hey, Draco and Blaise."

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