The Life of Izzie

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Hai my name is Elizabeth and you can call me Izzie because that's what I go by. I'm a 17 year old girl in high school ,I work for YouTube it's what I've always wanted to do. I'm probably considered emo and shit like that but oh well. I'm an out cast at my school and very shy around certain people. Then there's when I'm with my friends that's a totally different story. I am so hyperactive and talkative around my friends.

I thank God every day that I have them I may not even be here writing this if I didn't have them. What's their names you ask? Well theirs one, her name is Yume she is insanely funny and very trustworthy. She is also kind of emo like me and most of my other friends.

Next is Yeny, she is like our friend groups mom. You could tell her anything and you would never hear her tell another soul. She is Puerto Rican and unlike my other friends is no where close to being labled as emo, but she can be really creepy and kinda crazy at times.

Then we have Hannah, she's the blondy(but really smart), the crazy face maker, the one who comes up with some of the dirtiest things. She can be very quiet when she wants to be, but not around us. She is also a quite famous youtuber bigger than the rest of us anyways.

Then finally we have Kaitlin the craziest girl in the group. She has a tough life, yet laughs and smiles all the time and ends up making everyone else join. She has a wonderful personality and is definitely not afraid to show it.

These are the people who make me laugh, smile, cry, and keep my life. They are the ones who mean more to me even than my family. They help me through my life and I hope I have and will do the same for them and many others as well.


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