From the Ashes - Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

As they kissed, she let her magic flow through him. When they separated, she felt completely drained, and it was her turn to to sway on her feet.

“Sadie?” Jalen inquired, sounding worried.

She smiled at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

He hesitated for a moment, but finally let go of her and brushed the wrinkles from his clothes, assuming a regal mien. She watched with rapt attention as his gaze grew shuttered—hiding away all of his emotions. Here was the prince she had met at the square: aloof, authoritative, betraying nothing.

Sadie repressed a shudder and wrapped her arms around herself.

The sound of footsteps approaching drew her attention back down the hall. Within moments, the man sent on Jalen’s errand came around the corner, and resumed his post at the door.

Jalen pulled him aside and spoke quietly, too quietly for Sadie to hear. He then handed him the sealed document she’d seen him make before rejoining their party at the door.

Sadie heard a muffled voice behind the door seconds before the two guards opened it for them. “Your majesty, Jalen ‘Anaq Al-Jameyri to present a grievance for your verdict,” the man whose voice she’d heard behind the door announced. Even before the man stopped talking, Jalen stepped through with Sadie at his side.

She’d never been in the throne room before. Its opulence eclipsed everything else she’d seen inside the palace. At the head of the room, a raised dais sheltered two gilded thrones. One of the chairs stood empty, awaiting the queen’s presence. On the other side, an extremely obese man, garbed in elaborately embroidered dark blue linen, stood. Shock was clear on his face, and his hands trembled visibly.

Yusuf and Na’im stood at attention beside the dais, and they nodded toward Jalen as they entered the throne room.

Sadie, Jalen, and their party advanced toward the dais. When Jalen halted, Sadie did the same, remembering to stay on his left just as he had instructed. The guards fanned into a half circle behind them, standing at attention.

“Your majesty,” Jalen greeted the king—his father—with a short bow.

When the guards saluted, Sadie dropped into an awkward curtsey. She didn’t know the protocol, but thought that following the guards’ lead was her best course of action.

The king struggled to regain his composure as he sat back on his throne.

“We were told you have a grievance to present before us. State your case,” he commanded Jalen with a voice that still shook.

“Attempted assassination.”

The king opened and closed his mouth twice before finding his voice. “Against whom and by whom?”

“Queen Devi Al-Jameyri and Marek Al-Patil against Prince Jalen ‘Anaq Al-Jameyri.”

“Son, what are you trying to accomplish?” the king exclaimed, seeming to forget his regal tone. He sounded shocked and angry.

“The curse was intentionally set so that my half-brother would inherit the throne in my place. Her highness was unwilling to accept fate, and hired a healer to perform the curse that was supposed to kill me. Her brother, Marek, sought him out, and when the deed was done, personally killed him.”

“Jalen, you are talking of treason on the part of my wife,” the king replied, appalled. “I cannot believe she would do such a thing. Do you have proof of this?”

“My captain is securing my proof as we speak and will come here directly. In the meantime, fetch her highness. We shall ask her what her hand is in this matter.”

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