"Well, that will be hard because I don't know what is out or what is good." Feeling the heat filling in my cheeks, I glanced around hoping that I would see Sergei somewhere, but he wasn't. Tears burned my eyes, but I had to be thankful that I was able to meet his brother instead.

"Might I make a suggestion?" Walking me to the booth, he pulled out his wallet and smiled at the young woman behind the glass. Asking for two tickets to some comedy, he paid and accepted the them. "How is the horse doing?"

"Cobalt? He's doing good. Bored that it's been raining so much, but I had taken him for a walk earlier so that made him a little happier." Looking up at the older version of Sergei, I smiled as I cupped my hand on his arm. "I am sorry about your dad. He sounded like a great man."

His head tipped lower to me as his breath heated up my neck. "I you do not watch yourself, I will steal you away from my brother."

Gasping, I shook my head. "No, I just... I didn't... I could never be with anyone else."

"I do know this." A deep chuckle came from him as he led me to the concession stand. Getting a big bag of popcorn and two large sodas, he motioned for me to go to the theater where our movie was playing. "I do know. You are not the one to break his heart. I do not worry. If my father were here, he would not worry either. My brother... he has a good heart. Very good. Gentle. Kind. Loving. More than me, I will say. Me, I am no good. I am hockey player. I look at other women. I see them, I like them all a lot. My brother, no. He only sees you. It is how he is."

"I will take good care of him. I will."

"Yes, I can see you will. I have no worry." Passing the tickets over, he winked at the girl making her blush. "My date for the evening. She is beautiful, no?"

She nodded with her eyes shooting back to him as if I wasn't even there.

Leaning closer to her, he raised his eyebrows. "I will take her home after movie and make her scream again."

"Oh my gosh!" Hissing, I pulled him away feeling the intense fire in my face. I couldn't believe that he had just said that. I was his brother's girlfriend and I am sure that Sergei wouldn't appreciate that comment. "You are bad."

"As I said, I am." Laughing, he walked me to the door, opened it for me, and let me choose where we sat. I decided that the best place to sit was in the middle where it wasn't too close to the screen and not too far away, but leave it to a stubborn Russian, that we ended up in the far back corner.

Taking a seat, I let out a breath feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. Taking it out, I had looked at the name across the screen.

Sergei: I trust you are with Nikolay? Chair between and keep him at a distance.

My heart thumped hard as I felt the hairs tickling my neck. He was actually looking at my message. The nerve of him. He was in my boyfriend's personal space. That was Sergei's space, not his.

Me: Why am I at the movies with your brother?


Biting my lip, I silenced my phone and slipped it back into my pocket. Glancing at the smirk on his face, I shook my head. "You two are bad. You know that?"

"Me, yes. Him, no. He will never be bad to you. It is good to see him love again. I worry about my little brother." Rubbing his chin, he nodded slightly as he dug out a handful of popcorn. "I see him drown the heartbreak in bottles and I do not like it. I see him hurt and I do not like it. I did not like his ex. Never did. I tell him and he says he is in love with her. I say, no. That is not love, Sergei. But what can I say? I have a girl who is not so good either. But you, I like you and you are good for him."

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