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once upon a time,
i lived for snowy days and cocaine trees.

once upon a time,
i smiled when the sun hid behind the clouds, only peaking when i frowned.

once upon a time,
the snow was light and feathery and when i walked upon it, i walked on clouds.

once upon a time,
my fingertips touched the snow with such delicacy, it felt like a lover.

that was a while ago.

now it is heavy and suffocating and when i try to get rid of it, it comes back stronger.

it keeps on piling up until i am stuck in my grey house and there is no light outside; there is only white waste.

im so tired of this. so tired of the sinking feeling that comes with heavy snowfall.

dreading the next day because i know there will be no light, it is always dark.

some day, i wish to love the snow as much as i used to.

once upon a time, i was happy.

what am i now?

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