Chapter 1

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Sooo ITS THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! I'm actually writing some of this before I go to a basketball game. Anyway here's the chapter!


"Thank you all for coming out tonight guys it really means a lot to me!" I walked over to the side if the stage to hide from the crowd. Tonight was crazy! I have my mic to someone and started heading towards my dressing room.

I finally reached the door with my name on it. I pushed the door open and shut it behind me. taking a deep breathe and grab my phone. Lately after every concert I've been expecting my mom to call or text me but I haven't had a single call or text. My mood is slowly going down.

I throw my phone towards my vanity and walk toward the couch which held sweatpants a pair of ifs and a light jacket. I quickly changed and grabbed my phone to head out. As I opened the door Simon on the other side had his fist raised to knock.

"I just came by to get you, ready to head out?" He asked. "Ya" I said. I could tell he noticed my bad mood. " hey she'll call or text you soon ok?" "ya your right let's go.

I followed him to my bus. We are on our way home to have maybe five days off but then I'm right back on the road again. Your probably thinking "where's the boys at" well there currently at home probably waiting on me or sleeping.

I climbed onto the bus and walked towards the bed I have been sleeping on for maybe two weeks. it wasn't very comfortable at first but you get used to it.

Right before I could even get settled my phone started ringing. i picked it up and seen Harry flash across the screen. "Hey" I said with a small smile on my face. Oh and yes we are back together. "Hey..wait were you sleeping? I am sooo sorry I didn't kn-" "Harry it's ok I was just getting settled but what's up?"
"Well I just wanted to tell you goodnight and I love you and hopefully you get here soon." I mentally awed. "Goodnight Harry, I'll call you when I'm in town ok? I love you too." I said before hanging up. I smiled again.

I know the past was bad...but we made up and I don't feel so alone. I crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep. Let's just hope this ride goes by fast.

I woke up to Simon slightly shaking me. " Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep." he asked looking worried. "I sat up and felt my face and fresh tears were there. I believe him because the dream I was having wasn't so comforting. " just a bad dream." I said trying to forget my dream. "Ok...if you need something just call for me ok?" "Ya will do". He gave me one last look before walking back to the front of the bus.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. In my dream something bad happened to my mom. I don't remember exactly what but it seemed a but too real. I splashed water on my face to try and cool off. Maybe I should go and call her to check up on her.

I walked back to grab my phone. I quickly dialed her number. I waited for her to pick up but it went to voicemail. I suddenly got a really bad feeling. I started to panic. what if something really did happen to her. I quickly dialed the number agin. the ringing stopped and I heard someone on the other line. "...Hello" i let out a sigh of relief. "thank goodness. Sorry for waking you up I was just checking on you." "it's ok but I'm going back to bed so goodnight and Love you." "night and love you too." I said hanging up.

I sat there thinking for a moment. I moved towards the window to see we are back in town. I dialed Harry's number. "Hello" oh my goodness that morning voice. "Hi I'm back in town!" "Oh my gosh guys he's in town get up get up get up." the call ended after that. I mentally laughed those boys get way to excited.

I see the familiar house come into view. we enter the gate that had opened up for us. I gathered all my stuff together and stepped off the bus. I was immediately grabbed into a hug. Harry's hug. Then out of no where four other boys hug us. "I missed you sooo much, I haven't been able to do any good pranks." Louis yelled like right next to my ear. " I missed you sooo much, nobody has been cooking any good food at all!" Niall said. "Hey! My macaroni was pretty darn good.". Everybody just looked at him. "Taylor I'll call you Friday when were picking you up ok?" "Ok thanks bye Simon" "Bye" the guys said. ''Bye guys.....and be good...please." he said before the bus pulled away.

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