Chapter 13 A Truth To Be Told

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I kept pacing around my bedroom thinking. How am I going to tell them? I looked down at my watch, it was four thirty. They'll be here in half an hour I thought.

As I was trying to calm myself down, mum came in. "What are you doing?" she asked me with a puzzled look. "I'm trying to make myself calm" I replied. Mum made an o' motion with her mouth. "Ok, well I'll leave you to it" she said as she made her way out of my room.

I looked over at my coffee j,utable, I'll read a magazine while I wait. I walked over and grabbed a random magazine and sat on my bed and began reading. Sometime later, mum came back in.

"Sonya, Izzy and Gwen are here" she said. I looked up at her. "Ok" I said simply. I placed my magazine flat on my bed and got up. Then I headed downstairs. I found Gwen and Izzy waiting at the front door. "Hey guys!" I said greeting them.

"Hey Sonya" they both said as they made there way inside. Without saying anything, me and the girls headed upstairs to my room. Me and Izzy sat on my bed while Gwen sat near my desk.

We began chatting about prom and graduation until Izzy asked me: "So Why did you call us here Sonya?" I looked at Izzy, then to Gwen. Both of they're stares we're on me. It was time.

"Gwen, can you shut the door?" I asked her. She gave me a strange look, but she got up, walked over and closed the door shut.

I let out a sigh as I got up and walked over to the window which was near my desk. From the corner of my eye I could see Gwen and Izzy standing behind me, watching. With a deep breath, I gently placed my hand on the window.

A few moments later, frost began to spread across the window. I could hear next to me Gwen and Izzy's gasps. Eventually, I placed my hand off the window and looked over at Gwen and Izzy, there faces filled with shock and surprise

"W-what... How?" Was all they could say. I let out a sigh. "I got these powers from that slushy that Chloe gave me" I explained. They still stared at me with the same expression. I began to bite my lip.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you girls earlier" I said frowning, "I didn't know what you would think of me." Izzy was the first to speak, "It's ok Sonya, we understand." Suddenly, they smiled at me.

"So what happened today with Chloe, that was you?" Izzy asked me excitedly. I nodded. "That is so cool!" Izzy exclaimed. Without thinking, I hugged both Izzy and Gwen. "Gosh, it's so good to talk about this to you guys" I sad happily. After a few minutes, I pulled away.

For at least an hour, We talked about my powers, They thought it was so cool. I felt so at ease that I could finally talk to them about it, It felt like a giant weight was just taken off my shoulders.

When it got to about 5 o'clock, we said goodbye to each other and they headed off home. I went back to my room and began reading one of my books.

Sometime later, mum called me to dinner, I put a bookmark on the page I was on and went downstairs. Dad hadn't come home from work yet so mum and I ate together. We talked about school and about what we did today.

After dinner, I excused myself from the table and went back up to my room. There, I continued reading till I finally got bored and decided to have a quick bath.

I left my room and went downstairs to the bathroom. Then, I filled the bath with warm water, undressed and hopped in. As I began putting the body wash on, I felt that something was off. I looked around at the bathroom, nothing seemed out of place or anything.

Then I notice it, I hadn't closed the curtains. There's only one window in the bathroom, I quickly got up and wrapped a towel around me. I walked over to the window and grabbed both of the curtains, I was just about to close them when I stopped.

From the window, I could see something or someone move in the darkness, I blinked a few times. Maybe it was an animal, but it looked too big to be an animal.

No, it was nothing I thought as I shut the curtains. Then I got changed into my pjs, drained the bath and then headed off to bed.

Thump! Thump! Thump. This was the sound that woke me up, I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, maybe it was mum getting a drink or something. But I kept hearing the noise, Thump! Thump! Thump!

I quickly got up and slowly left my room. I tiptoed over to my parents room. They were fast asleep. I gulped as I slowly went downstairs, being extra careful not to make too much noise.

I slowly make my way to the living room, I stopped however. I saw the outline of a man standing in the middle of the living room. I couldn't make out what he looked like however, it was too dark to see.

I hid behind one of the walks and covered my mouth with one hand invade I screamed. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. My worst fears had come true; There was someone in the house.

Author's Note: Thanks you guys for reading Chapter 13 of Cold Hearted. Please feel free to comment and please do vote. Again, thanks for reading and have a nice day.

In Frostحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن